The reason we are all having this discussion is because of two simple facts:
1) Tyros has an excellent sounds and styles
2) Tyros is light in weight.
And so we are bringing our own issues on how to make an excellent keyboard even better.
Some of these issues are legitimate, some are legitimate for particular kind of use and some are legitimate for group of users who play certain way.
How we should handle these logically?
1) We should realise that whatever works for one does not mean it works for the other. Let us respect that others have different needs. That does not mean it is a legitimate issue for the majority of users. But at the same time, it does not mean that Yamaha automatically should ignore it.
2) We ought to realise that we are discussing an instrument and not merely group of people. So we should feel comfortable criticizing the instrument but at the same time, and more importantly, we should feel comfortable listening to the criticism and listening to the rebutals.
3) In this topic, which I personally followed carefully, no one is saying that Tyros is bad. In the contrary, the implication is very clear: Tyros can arguablly be considered the best keyboard in sounds and styles. That is precisely why many are criticizing it. Because, to them, the alternative is not getting the best in sounds and styles. That is not my opinion for I have not heard any instrument. I really do not know.
To me, the most important issue I have with Tyros is the following: PRICE. Not that it is priced wrong but that I cannot afford it at the moment.

Any suggestions?