Hi Domenik,
With its materialization from vapourware statements, promises and *lies* sprinkled with the words '116dB','NEW PCI sound card 4 envy24 chips 32 channels!!!', and embarrasing demos (some featuring stolen sounds), the mediastation is inevitably nothing more than a low-quality PC, a low-quality keyboard and a control surface packed together (oh yes and a totally useless low-quality early 90s style wavetable synth loaded with many unlicensed sounds). Prominent software parts (such as linuxsampler) can be obtained freely by anyone since they are open source and can be decoupled from the mediastation very easily (or with no effort at all). I don't need to buy your product to use linuxsampler, synaddsubfx, rezound, ardour, jack, VST, etc. I can get them for free. Vienna Symphonic Library, NI B4 are even worse to list, since I have to pay serious money for them anyway, and I would not even allow you to post demos featuring their sounds if I were in charge. It creates a false marketing statement.
So for 3000 or so euros, I get some already obsolete hardware, a useless hardware "synth", some software which I can lawfully get for free, and a control surface (You still include that webcam with the pro model?). Oh yes, and I also get 116 dB's worth of false technical 'subject-to-change' specs

And as an extra added value, I get the comforting tought that I'm not using Windows, and I'm not using some embedded dont-have-a-future plastic toy that could not make into your 'comparation' chart.
Well, I think you should pack up your soldering gun and other things and go back to the ol' drawing board instead than to pollute this fine forum and inducing discomfort in respectable people.
In my life, I've seen some pretty strange people (including a CEO of a large company who enjoyed farting loudly in public), but you never cease to amaze me again and again. You are the most arrogant, childishly behaving, self-embarrasing person I've ever seen. I've seen 4 year olds behaving more grown-up than you. And I mean this seriously and without sarcasm. Anyone who reads your posts (and too bad you deleted a great deal of embarrasing big ones on lionstracs.com) will become absolutely certain that you must be an elementary school dropout or a psycho asylum runaway. I seriously think that you are a danger to society. Seriously.
In the past I've seen you saying very discomforting words to a friend of mine about his future accomplishments in life, so in turn let me bring my whishes to you about the mediastation:
1. I hope it becomes an utter failure with no sales and plenty lawsuits from existing customers and copyright owners of stolen material. I deeply recommend setting yourself on fire in that event.
2. I hope it will become an immense success and realizing this, the big guys (Roland, Yamaha) will also get on the linux-workstation bandwagon 'stealing your idea' probably producing and flooding the market with far more superior products, with a lot of value and features you can't possibly match. You will disappear from the market and your name soon forgotten. I deeply recommend setting yourself on fire in that event.
I think these two whishes will make these things even to what you said.
A big thumbs down for you, Domenik.