I assume you mean 'CopyRIGHT' ?

As far as I know EVERY piece (song/midifile/style) is copy-righted, so "...copyright there?" : YES !!
Officially people are allowed to do what they like with stuff they PURCHASED before.
The stuff becomes 'yours' after you payed for it. (The way you put is is wrong IMHO)
[2) Fortunatly, exist LINUX, open source, GPL and you are allowed to OPEN/EDIT/REWORK/SAVE all what you want. Please, read again how is work the Linux GPL license...]
Comparing LINUX (open source) and music- styles or songs referring to copyright is absolutely incorrect!
[3) Mediastation have the OWN format, OPEN and you can see in each style folder ALL the .MID and .Wav files, so..totally opened and system that everybody can see and edit ALL.]
The FORMAT in which data is stored, does not change anything to copyright!
[4) you can take one original midi or styles file, EDIT/REWORK it, change all the Programm/variation/Volume/Note and tuning for the Mediastation. For this you are ALLOWED because then you get a different file]
Again : It does not change anything to copyright!
[5) We DONT sell media: midi, styles, Mp3, we give back ALL for FREE under LINUX GPL license,where you can download it and make all what you want. So...with OUT profit you are totally free fo do what you want and you do NOT have any problem with the Law]
You are saying : "Use an open source operating system, change the storage format.... and ALL authors see copyrights vanish, completely legal !"
Please be realistic Domenik, what you say is very wrong, you should know better!
[If i'm wrong, mean that all the others Linux user are in the wrong way and Illegally too.. like IBM, Yamaha, Korg....
all they use Linux Open Source too..]
YES you are wrong:
LINUX itself is open source and free, but the key issue here is MUSIC, not the OS.
[This message has been edited by Roel (edited 06-17-2005).]