#141166 - 09/23/07 12:38 PM
Re: Tyros vs Lowery
I currently own a Lowrey MX-1. Got it a couple of years ago after a twenty five year hiatus of this organ, Sold them in the early 80's. At the time an absolutely astonishing breakthrough in organ technology and sound all being digital. To me this was the start of the arranger type of keyboards albeit very expensive, like $20,000 then (a ton of dough). I agree about Lowrey being geared towards the elderly and then you upsold.
If someone would listen to a demo, and they could play (or barely), and they could afford it, Done Deal.
Anyway, back to topic. The newer models do not sound as good as the MX-1 as they don,t have quite as good of speakers and amps (7 spkrs 6 amps). I have a Roland G-70 and had it running thru the Lowrey. The G-70 sounds sustantially better than the Lowrey, however, it only plays in mono. I currently run the G-70 thru a Pioneer stereo and Bose speakers and it makes the Lowrey sound like a toy. I am sure that the Tyros would be the same way.
I think it is time to sell the MX-1 and get that monster (600 lbs) out of my house.