#141262 - 09/01/04 01:03 PM
Re: Mic's
Senior Member
Registered: 02/04/01
Posts: 2071
Loc: Fruita, Colorado, USA
Another thing! The EV is definitely the loudest and feeds back at the lowest volume setting of the three Mics, especially with my Carvin amp I noticed, and also with the Mackie 808s. So it has more volume at lower settings I suppose is the way to describe it.
I also noticed that the Sennheiser and the EV really make my troublesome "S" sounds stand out way too much. It’s very very noticeable.
Words like "since", "shall", "sweet" etc sound worst with the Sennheiser and the EV for me. I even tried fooling with the EQ and it's still a problem., but maybe not for you. Don't forget I have that weird Cajun accent. Where I come from we call folks like DonM "Yankees". Ha! Ha!
For my voice and gear and especially my accent with the "S" sounding words "problem" and the ih harmony machine, I notice a distinct difference in the three mics. If you have the "S" sounding problem, and are not happy with the balance of the 4 part harmony with your particular gear, then you really should check out the SM58. It is super smooth for such problems.
The SM58 has been around so long and people still brag about them so much it's like the Bible. There are more of them being used then all the other Mics put together even if it's not true here on the forum. However, I'd say there are more of them used here on the forum then any other Mic also. It’s just that the ones that use them do not voice their opinions as much as some of us do.
Call some of the internet dealers and ask them which mic they sell the most of. What about this statement George Kaye, Dan?
Let’s hear it from the quite (I believe)majority of SM58 users!!
I'm not prejudiced, I hate everybody!! Ha ha! My Sister-In-Law had this tee shirt. She was a riot!!!