One of the difficulties on an arranger is to use pitch bend or modulation effects with both hands on the keyboard. The only chance I get is in between chord changes when I can quickly take my left hand from the accomp section and do a pre-pull back on the bend wheel. I like the Dynosteel guitar voice on the tyros which has a nice double string twangy bend effect if you strike the key very hard. I also remember on my old yamaha cx5m music computer and keyboard set up that I had a portamento feature called "fingered". You could play a mono lead voice normally but if you played legato it would bend up to the next note, very nice especially on bass tracks.
Rolands stick is nice for synth solos but (a) its too vunerable when transporting the keyboard (b) it doesnt offer much in the way of modulation control especially when trying to bend as well (c) one feels afraid to push it too far incase it snaps off!
I'd like 3 wheels (pitch, mod and assignable), a joystick and definitely a breath controller! It would also be nice to make use of aftertouch in the style area, already the tyros and 2000 features velocity controlled accompaniment level but how about using aftertouch to add more orchestration to the backing or to add a nice whoosh or break? Incidentally how do I trigger that drum solo on the tyros band style, haven't figured that one out yet!
A breath controller (just a simple blow j.. oops just realised what I was going to say!!! :-) Ahem a simple breath controller as they had on the old cs series, wow imagine that with the sweet flute, the sax's... come on yamaha, surely we can come up with a USB breath controller for the tyros!
Simon G.K. Williams
Creative Music & Multimedia