Thanks to tropical storm Noel, my Caribbean trip to Ocho Rios and Garnd Cayman became an oddysey. We were re-routed to Key West and were about to sail for Nassau when the captain informed us were were being forced to re-route again and were going to Cozumel.
We didn't arrive til close to 5 pm and only had shore leave until 11 pm, so there wasn't much we could do but shop and take in a few quick sites. Well, I took the opportunity to stop in on Tony Rome and his newly rebuilt restaurant. Tony was relaxing with a few friends - surprisingly also from Michigan. When I introduced myself Tony broke out with such a great smile. He stood up, gave me a big hug and welcomed my wife and I as if we were old friends form Jersey.
Tony showed me around his newly rebuilt and remodeled restaurant. He has a great stage area and encourages visiting musicians to come in and jam. I think I got a few musicians from my ship to check it out next time in port.
It was a quiet night for Tony and my wife and I had just a few minutes to vist, but we promised to come back and have dinner on our next trip to Cozumel. Tony is one great guy! If you ever have the chance to visit Cozumel, his restaurant is in the city center area and just one block off main street. Tony will welcome you with open arms and a margarita. THANKS TONY, YOU ARE ONE GREAT GUY!