Domenik is the big boss of Lionstracs
and he choose linux for its embeded Keyboard.
If I was the boss, I did choose a free OS too
I don't know linux at all. I discoverd it with the MediaStation.
Finaly we can do all what we want with linux...Internet, write letters, make music, see video...
But for me, it's just like I m not in MY home, with all MY references marks.
Depiste of this, I found the MS very responsive with windows XP (more than Linux!!) even I have an old prototype for developpers with an not powerful PC.
It's for me a true pleasure to play music with all my -years of collect- vst, applications and sample sounds, in just one keyboard...
I can say the truth... VST is very good, but when I know that I must turn on my studio computer, plug the midi interface, plug the midi keyboard, launch applications...uuuu I prefer going here to read how other are making music
Domenik, of course Linux was a very smart project, and very usefull , but I prefer Windows. I hope you will not be in anger against your Windows Developper
Windows has also a lot of options to not install what we don't need in a keyboard, for exemple messengers...I think it's what Wersi did. You can make an Windows XP installation with just 150 Mb, the minimal requize. I m using Windows since many years, and it's not a problem to make an optimized pakage.
And don't be affraid, I m working hard on all your difficults, for using all the buttons and slider inside all musical applications. I will probably change some buttons implementation to be more ergonomic when playing live. You know, just choose the sound , and play , regardless of what technology is used, VST, sampler, internal rom sound...
I m very impressed on years of work you did with linux musical software, it is not a simple domain.
Finally, Windows or Linux? The competition between them can only make our OSs better
Choose what you want, and If you like windows, add money loool
I wait impatiently my first gig with MY MediaStation, and I hope it will not hang