"Well jusitify your opinions! If you say somethign totally sucks, why, what is your reason for making such crude comments? Thats how people learn, thats how people exspand their talent."
lol when someone ignores the fact you told them forthright you did something real quick, what could they justify. Past that nice enough arp...I for one am happy to hear something from you just days after you have gotten the board...can fill in the blanks that things will be enhanced as you work with the board more.
Anyhow...link to some of my random keyboard driven stuff.
http://www.nowhereradio.com/artists/album.php?aid=4453&alid=-1 Beyond all that...the only things I would do to the track you linked up. Make the guitar a bit less busy, give it a solid progression...add in a bass of some form, perhaps toss in some sustained chords ( with pads/organs/eps so on and the like ), then top it off with a melody that interacts kinda answer and call with the guitar picking/bass line/chords.
[This message has been edited by Alone&Forsaken (edited 04-02-2005).]