Originally posted by George Kaye:
Please Yamaha............make a 76 key model. Actually, I had 2 marketing managers from the US and 2 from Japan in my store this week and had an opportunity to ask for a 76 note model and also discussed future models to be developed. I'm excited that they took lots of notes and listened to everything I had to offer up. A PSR3000 with 76 keys is another keyboard I talked up alot.
George Kaye
Kaye's Music Scene
Reseda, California
Thank you George for talking to the Yamaha Reps and nudging them to consider making a 76 note Tyros2.

A PSR 3000 76 note Board would be a God send also for those wanting 76 keys but not necessarily all the bells and whistles that the Tyros2 has plus its higher price tag.

You have the power George! Or at least a hefty amount of influence when it comes to bartering with Yamaha's elite.

I do hope they consider your suggestions.
Another thing everyone on the Forum is curious about is the amount of WAV ROM in the Tyros2; except those who have already purchased the Tyros2 site unseen apparently.

Some have said 300Mb but there is nothing in concrete yet, even on Yamaha's numerous worldwide web sites.
George I know you can pull this one off.

Please inform the troops how much ammunition the Tyros2 really has when you get confirmation.

Thanks again George for your thoughtful and as always unbiased opinions on various new Keyboards that traverse your Store that you have the pleasure of playing firsthand before most of us can.
Best regards,