Originally posted by church:
Originally posted by BEBOP:
Hi Bebop,I'll try that,shuting stuff down,yes not inportant.Hey Bebop,where can you (me) play the new Tyros2 in our area,or does any one else know where?Guitar Center down by you Don't have it,and Music Unlimitited,they told me won't have it,only will order it,and give the Internet Price,I asked him,and with no tax,sales person just laughed,made no comment.Do you have your T2 yet? Take care.Live in the Bay area,Fremont,CA.
I am in South San Jose and should have the new Tyros 2 by the end of the week, from Dan O'Neil owner of Keyboard City in Baltimore.
Dan called me yesterday to tell me he is expecting mine in today and will trans ship it to me.
I am in the San Jose phone book under Bill and Jann Forrest
You do know that Scott Yee is just on the other side of you in Bezerkeley and is getting his Ty 2 this week also.
Best to you and yours,