On my gig yesterday, I sang and played live (auto accomp mode), and on Tyros2 of course

, the song "Blue Bayou", dedicating it to my family & friends in Louisiana (including our Synthzone Member buds (Don Mason & company) jamming together in Shreveport this weekend). I recorded directly to theTyros2 HD and acknowledge it contains a few glitches (but hey it's live, so what can ya expect), but I believe it demonstrates how Tyros2 sounds in a live performance situation after having tweaked the T2's EQ, effects, compression, and volume settings to deliver a punchier "live" concert sound, vs polished CD studio sound.
To listen, go to my website:
Scott Yee Entertainment then:
Go to the: "Song Demos" Page.
Scroll down to the: "Rock & Blues" Category.
Go to: "Blue Bayou", then
Click on DSL/Cable (6.33MB) or 56K (1.28MB) version
Thanks in advance to all for listening.