Originally posted by Pennywizz6:
Whats your price range? How many channels will you need?
Hi Phil,
Price Range: Under $400 MAX
Channels: minimum 4 ins - 6 outs, and ability to record & monitor my vocal + efx while listening to pre-recorded tracks, all with near zero (imperceptible) latency.
Most important is a quiet soundcard which reproduces accurate superior quality sound and supports midi as well. Looking for the best balance of sound quality, reliability, and price value. - Scott
Harosha & VQuestor: Thanks for adding other possibilities to the pot. All these options are quickly making the decision more difficult. Also curious which of the units mentioned include an 'efx send-return' monitoring feature, which affords the ability to monitor vocals with added efx when recording? Btw, I was recommended that when recording a vocal track, that the vocal efx be recorded on a SEPARATE track to provide post production flexibility of being able to use another vocal efx later if so desired. Curious how you would setup the soundcard i/o device for this type of recording scenerio.