#148246 - 07/16/07 12:47 PM
Re: Is Using STYLES...MIDI FILES...BIAB... etc etc a form of Cheating or?
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14370
Loc: NW Florida
Originally posted by Rejected Idol: Right ON!! Great suggestion!! If you want to see the difference between pure performance and enhanced performance w/arrangers and MIDI, the next time you are playing a gig and folks are swaying or dancing to your music, do this: Turn off the (midi or arranger or beat box) drums. Turn off the (midi or arranger) bass. Turn off the (midi or arranger) congas…Turn off the (midi or arranger) strings. That’s it - turn EVERYTHING off until it’s just what YOU are doing with your hands. I bet the swaying stops. Cause then you are playing cocktail music. Then, many of the folks who came to hear the “music” will wonder where the "music" went.
I have nothing against “performers” wanting to make sure everyone recognizes their skill. But the minute any one of us uses an automated tool, we need to come from behind the shroud of “it’s all me and nothing else but me making this music”. You can’t really have it both ways folks, if you use any kind of automation whatsoever, you are part of the “using a tool to sound bigger than I am” mindset. Because even if you skinny it down to just you and the drum machine, you can bet $100 there will always be that guy in the crowd that says “Look – there’s no drummer and I hear drums – it’s KARAOKE!”… So my advice to you is either go totally acoustic, or you should accept the fact that you are using automation to enhance your sound. And get over it.
R/I Sorry, RI, but that is exactly what my duo does! Maybe a quarter of our repertoire, I play LH bass and keys, he plays acoustic guitar, and we entertain the crowd doing some popular folk rock numbers, bluegrass, ballads. No machines, no mp3's, we just play. To be honest, sometimes the audience reaction is BETTER than some of the sequenced stuff..! Maybe, if you can't get a crowd to like your act without the machines, either find a different crowd, play something appropriate that the crowd DOES like with no machines, or shed a little more so you can... Trust me, it CAN be done...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#148247 - 07/16/07 02:45 PM
Re: Is Using STYLES...MIDI FILES...BIAB... etc etc a form of Cheating or?
Senior Member
Registered: 01/02/04
Posts: 7306
Loc: Lexington, Ky, USA
I do 30 jobs a year on B-3 and Rhodes with drummer...80 plus jobs on just guitar...100 on only piano and 60 or so with a band or with an arranger.
I guess the point is, you have to locate a market for what you do and how you want to do it.
I get top money for the area and a bank account to be proud of. Been doing it for 50 years in the best venues...no "animal" clubs, nursing homes or assisted living facilities. (nothing against them...just don't do it).
Everyone should find what works and what they can live with. Either entertain, play or do a combination that you're comfortable with. Find your place in the spectrum.
But, DO IT! Use technology as a tool, but never as a crutch. This area is full of horn players, guitar players and keyboard players who couldn't beg a non-paying job without using sequences, mp-3's or other tools. Those are the folks that really piss me off.
UD, Tony, Chas, Diki, Fran, DonM and others (me, included) use tools (the degree of use varies between players; usually as a function of whether they are primarily entertainers or musicians), but they can really play. That's fine. They're successful and they've earned their success.
It's the "posers" (and believe me, they're everywhere) that makes it hard for those who do it right.
#148250 - 07/16/07 07:42 PM
Re: Is Using STYLES...MIDI FILES...BIAB... etc etc a form of Cheating or?
Registered: 02/13/06
Posts: 59
Loc: St Paul, MN
Diki et al: Whoa! I’m not the one complaining! I like what arrangers do for me. I’m quite satisfied with the sound of my ‘board and as long as the crowd likes my (automation enhanced) sound and I keep getting callbacks, I see no need to change my style. My message remains that whatever works for you…. Work to perfect your abilities and go for it. The theme of my post ALSO REMAINS that automation, i.e., MIDI and the tools that are associated with MIDI CAN serve us. Our challenge (if we elect to!) is to tastefully employ that automation to enhance our sound.
Also remember that first and foremost, the majority of us obviously love music or we would not be chasing this rainbow in the first place. There is certainly plenty of room for all of us and our performing or entertaining styles. Some of us want to be technicians so we can play blistering solos, and others of us just want to create great sounding music. With today’s keyboards and arranger technology, every one of us who aspires to make music and a salary at it to boot has an avenue to do so. The rest, of course, is purely up to each one of us. And I am quite confident that (with and without automation), the cream will continue to float to the top.
One final thought….. I am beginning to wonder if maybe WE aren’t our own WORST enemy. People on this forum are continually musing “why aren’t arrangers as big in the U.S. as they are in Europe”? Based on the posts herein, maybe it’s because of the reluctance of some of the guys on this very forum to just acknowledge their true benefits?
Rejected Idol