When I walk into a club, I can always tell when someone is playing a Technics without looking, it's the same with any other keyboard. No keyboard will sound better than a good live band playing. The main qualities in a keyboard to me are the voices and styles, I'm not bothered what shape, colour or size it is as long as quality comes from it's outputs. The demos linked above just didn't do anything for me. I have heard better MP3's from the KN7000 but it doesn't seem to sound better than a KN6000/6500. My mate has purchased one so I will see it very soon. The SD1 is actually very easy to manipulate, it's a case of everyone has different tastes and each to their own.
There is never a best keyboard because as soon as you think you have got the greatest, along comes another model to take its place.
The Tyros, KN7000, Genesys, SD1 etc all have different attributes and I'm sure they all have their weaknesses too.
Just buy whatever you can afford on the day of purchase that suits your personal taste.

Originally posted by Alain:
I think when you here a keyboard and you realise it is a keyboard then there is something wrong.
When I heard people play the technics kn6000/6500 you couldn't guess it was a keyboard or a band.
That's the main point for voice quality...I don't talk about other qualities off the keyboard.
The only thing I am personally interested in is voice quality.

I also had a solton sd1 and the sound was very good indead but I found it very difficult to manipulate...maybe I'm not so clever...so I sold the Sd1.
