#150965 - 10/24/06 06:58 PM
Re: Anyone Have Any Advice???
Junior Member
Registered: 10/23/06
Posts: 3
Loc: Overland Park, KS, USA
Thanks for all of the nice input and observation. However, let me clarify a couple of things. First of all, I'm not the eBay type who might first purchase a lower end board and gradually sell/trade my way up the arranger board ladder. I'd much prefer getting something at the upper end and then milk it for all it's worth. I fully understand this probably isn't the most efficient way to get into this hobby, but like I said, that's kind of how I'm wired.
Furthermore, I've been waiting/saving for a looooong time. Heck, I've seen all sorts of boards come/go while waiting for $$$'s and technology to hit some sort of intersect. And, in my mind, it's time for this boy to drop anchor and get something. I almost took the dive when I30's were new, so that tells you how long I've waited. Color me slow.
Also, I certainly don't want to give the impression that $$$ isn't an issue. It is. But, like I said, I've been saving quite awhile and am ready to take the plunge.
Can anyone please clarify if the E80 and PA800 are, or will be, available here in the US prior to Christmas? I'm kind of thinking that if not, I might be leaning towards the G70.
Thanks again for all of your thoughts and observations, they are much appreciated.
PS. Interesting how I'm probably conversing with folks all over the world. Truly amazing.....
#150967 - 10/25/06 02:42 AM
Re: Anyone Have Any Advice???
Senior Member
Registered: 01/28/05
Posts: 1167
Loc: Oradea, RO
i jump in the discussion  even if i don t have it yet, my new roland e60 is on it's way to me... in couple of weeks i'll have it right here with me. you can easily see i buy it "blindly"... there is no way to check it, at least where i live, i just give enough credit to roland, and some users that gave some review... anyway, it seems to me that in the middle range (aproximate 800 - 1500 euro) this keyboard offers the best functions and sounds - matter of taste of course! - and it is worthy to give it a try... i know in america e60 will be available only later this year or even next year. too bad. but is an option you should think about!  good luck!
Yamaha S770, Studio One 3, EMU 0404USB, ESI, ATH, Dell. And others.