#151901 - 04/29/05 04:55 PM
Re: OT: A civil discussion about OT threads
Registered: 11/10/04
Posts: 434
Loc: Shakopee, MN, USA
I had this idea that may help Nigel, along with some others. Possibly Nigel could hire volunteer mods, ones who are trusted and reliable. Those people would have the power to move threads and will take a load off of Nigel. Im not saying you should do this, i still find the weeds in the garden just fine, but if worst comes to worst theres options. *Edit* i see this idea has come up a few posts up
BTW, please dont point any fingers at Alone&Forsaken, sure he may have some OTs but he has done far more help and nice comments to me than could ever underjustify his threads. Same with YamahaAndy, yeah he kinda jumped off the cliff earlier, but we helped him as we helped him no matter what the topic. also, Esh ive seen some OT threads that you...yes you have made.
[This message has been edited by Pennywizz6 (edited 04-29-2005).]
[This message has been edited by Pennywizz6 (edited 04-29-2005).]
#151904 - 04/29/05 09:01 PM
Re: OT: A civil discussion about OT threads
Registered: 11/18/02
Posts: 652
Loc: Austin
I've tried to shut up... But hey, you've been pretty mean spirited in the past towards my music... Instead of giving me any encouragement, got a put down... I stuck with it... If I listened to you I would have quit... I think your upset cause you and the others that use to be able to crap on us, us former newbies no longer have that power... I think the worst thing is to belittle anyone who is starting out and trying to become good... Which through your snobbery, you demean them with your how great you are, and see it on my "esh" web site... I admit, I more of a lurker on this board, cause I've been alienated by the top rung of this forum for the past couple of years... New blood has come in and found a remote and a couch to sit on and I think it's just P***** you off (upsetting the former top rung of the arranger food chain) everything changes, Post anything you like... If we are all friends and respect everyone and all have something in common "arranger keyboards" what's the problem??? That's what makes forums so great, we build friendships, and over time we might what to share other things with... So when one of our fellow members says, "I have to go to cancer treatment?" That's not a post for the bar that's for everyone.... As much as your pittle on me in the past, I must say I've been to your site, I've browsed, and we all have different opinions on what is good(boy I could say more)... As much as everyone's going to get mad at me for speaking my mind... I've been on the receiving end of you ill-tempered threads and it's not a good feeling... DJ It's also funny that my favorite example I was going to show off how good willed you are to others is mysteriously missing. And it seems to be just that one!!!!! It's a great example how supportive everyone in the past was to new beginners... Where did it go Nigel? Let's really show how friendly this forum was? http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/Forum37/HTML/007921.html [This message has been edited by beachbum (edited 04-29-2005).]
I don't steer the ship... I bail out the water...
#151905 - 04/29/05 10:18 PM
Re: OT: A civil discussion about OT threads
Registered: 01/17/05
Posts: 172
Loc: australia
i am a newish member to this forum, and i do agree with beachbum, i have given replies, or offered something from my experience to posts.. and some of these were posted by people i assume are longtime patrons of SZ, no response not even a "thanks, but no thanks" response, and i too have felt that some people here have stayed resolutely in their little clique and until you've been here years, done and dusted, you get either no respect, or you are dismissed as an annoyance, im NOT saying this happens i AM saying thats how it feels..the only responses i have had are from a junior member who obviously appreciated my input, (albeit on the wrong tangent) and another who thought i was being disparaging about his abilities..to whom i apologised (publicly) but got absolutely nothing.. the other response was from scott, who i think takes the time to respond to all,now i dont know what happens in the US, but here we at least acknowledge someone, even if we dont agree with them..and to be blunt, i was starting to think this forum was just a bunch of "wannabee" tossers with nothing much else going on in their life...as i said in another post, its a small forum in the great big wide world of forums...its not like we are competing or playing for sheep stations, just think of ppl in southeast asia, or other such places, even in the US that cant even turn on a light bulb, let alone a computer..anyway dont want to start a US-v-Aust battle here..we are already gonna be f***ed by the FTA...
peace, out
[This message has been edited by manic2257 (edited 04-29-2005).]
#151906 - 04/29/05 11:22 PM
Re: OT: A civil discussion about OT threads
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Maniac (Dennis) and all Newbies & Newish members: Before you give all us longtime members a bad rap, I need to state that I'm one one of the oldest (not in age silly, but length of membership: Dec 1999) and not a member of any of those so called cliques here. When I first joined in 1999, I too remember being treated by the older membership clique, the same way Maniac2257 describes here. They looked down on me for bringing up topics such as: 'rootless chords', thinking I was just some esoteric nut posting an off the wall topic. The BIG LAUGH was on them when they found out the Big Guys (keyboard manufacturers: Ketron, Yamaha, and now Korg) listened to me and subsequently implemented most all of my different feature requests, and only then did they begin to finally acknowledge and (I think) respect me. As I consider myself an artist-musician who just lucky to be able to make $ at what I like to do, perhaps because I live by the beat of my own drum is the reason I refuse to identify with any particular click here. It was that way in school and remains this way today. In turn, I try to treat members (new & old) equally. I realize that arranger keyboard & music expertise has nothing to do with the length of ones membership here, but ones experience making music in the real world. Admittedly though, there always remains a brief trial period (as with any forum or real life social/work situation) where new members need to test the waters, and older members are trying to figure out where new members are coming from and what they have to offer to the mix. Scott  btw: anyone try the cool Google new spell check feature which works great for SZ postings: Saves from having to edit the post later: Here's a link to the new Google Toolbar Beta3 version: Download 'new' Google Toolbar 3 beta ------------------ http://scottyee.com
#151909 - 05/03/05 02:30 AM
Re: OT: A civil discussion about OT threads
Registered: 01/22/04
Posts: 99
Loc: riverside, ca, usa
Geez Guys,
I haven't been on the forum for a while - but this post kinda startles me in that while the OT question has been around for some time - nobody appears to be threatened by OT's (with a few exceptions). Jim, the subject of having a "sticky" to explain each forum (resp) would be fine. But, on the other hand is it really necessary? I miss seeing postings from all the guys that were here when I first started - Uncle Dave, Dan O. , Fran Carango, Don Mason. Don't see much of Gary D. around here any more either. But, on the other hand I haven't been around here much lately either (I've had other commitments). I didn't leave because of OT's. There's a potential of learning new things (mostly about music and arrangers) from this forum every day - just like I learn from other people around me at my business, my friends, and my neighbors. So we occasionally have a new person that has a smart___ attitude with off-the-wall-comments - I know he (she) will soon be gone because if we don't respond - he (she) will wither and "die". Just like my one ___hole neighbor - I don't pay him any attention and he settles down. While I have on occasion been drawn in by a newbies derogatory comments, I find I am just feeding the fire. Similarly, with OT threads - if there's no response or activity re: them - they will wither and die. But I think we (the members of this forum) should have the choice of reading the few OT's posted (if we desire). If they become a major problem I'm sure Nigel will handle the situation. I'm always looking to find better ways to do things - but sometimes it's better to not fix the things that are not broken. I think most of us on this forum can tell the few ___holes we may get (by the smell of their stink) and we should handle them on a random basis or Nigel can handle as he needs to - but as far as OT's I don't see it as a major problem. By the way - I really do miss seeing some of the "original" members online. It's always good to see newbies and their ideas but I always enjoy the oldies too.
I be done,
------------------ Vern