Originally posted by Craig_UK:
..... So can people on here tell me what is wrong with me voicing my opinion on a forum, surely that is why I joined SZ so I can put my opinion across be it positive or negative?
Nahh, nothing wrong as far as I can see, is'nt it what we have done all the time regardless
what part of the SZ or other forums we post at?
If it's the comments regarding the Free Styledisks who made you leave, it's sad, cause as I
did mention at the Technics-forum, we all have different taste, needs and skills, we all hear,
see and feel things in different ways.
Maybe that's some of the reasons that we have selected different equipment to play and explore
the various software or create selfmade stuff at?
Anyway, there will always be more than one way to put words together, just as peoples way of
read and apprehend whats written.
And things who don't fit in to my bad taste might be great stuff for other users, whomever it
is who "judge and range" the quality.
If the SZ forums grows to be a place for "Only People Who Agree In All What Said And Written
By Certain Members Allowed Forum" it sure would be quite boring, as well as keep new users away
from signing in.
So my 2 cents would be, keep on the Happy Playing and Posting.