#153823 - 11/21/06 05:26 PM
Re: Lionstracs Mediastation Review
Senior Member
Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi Fran, me personally, I'm not referring to sounds.
For instance, on my SD1, it removes controller 11 from the first beat in a bar clock 1.0.000. Normally not a big deal but I never know the default is, because it doesn't show up example: a string chord starts first beat of the bar & does a gradual fadeout, the first that controller 11 can show up is past clock 1.0.004. If the note starts on clock 1.0.000 I'm going to get a glitch.
Quite often when controller 11 is used in a style , strings start really loud for a fraction of a second, then you get this quick drop off in sound ( sounds like a glitch) then it does a smooth fadeout.
Another instance ( SD1 again) if I do happen to convert, my psr styles have to be converted to roland format first, then to sd1 format if I want to have any controllers left in the style at all.
If you have the "plus package" activated (which gives list edit of the style), try loading a psr style with controllers in it. Convert it to sd1 format. Save, load it back in & check the tracks in list edit, the controllers will have disappeared.
If there's one brand that could really benefit, it's the Ketron using EMC with Plus Package for list editing. A lot of the other brands in the top of the line include some sort list edit function for styles . Ketron doesn't.
Main reason why I mainly use EMC to turn a style into a midifile etc etc rather than do a conversion. I need the controllers left in tact.
EMC may well work better for some keyboard formats than others, & even with it's odd quirk here & there , I wouldn't want to be without it. I'd have a house full of old keyboards that I couldn't part with just in case I wanted a style from one of them. Instead I've got a load of old styles that I know I can use if needed because of EMC& the keyboards have gone to owners that wanted them.
best wishes Rikki
[This message has been edited by rikkisbears (edited 11-21-2006).]
best wishes Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note SX900 Band in a Box 2022
#153825 - 11/21/06 10:35 PM
Re: Lionstracs Mediastation Review
Senior Member
Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi Fran, quite possibly.
I realize EMC is not a designing tool, but the plus package does make it a defacto editing tool ie it gives a full list edit ( similar to microscopic edit in Roland keyboards) It allows the deletion of individual notes & controllers & also notes & controllers can be modified. The only thing that can't be done is additional notes or controllers added to the tracks. It's great.
My gripe really is that when converting from certain formats to ketron (ie yamaha for one) all controllers are removed not just at the beggining of the style part. ie if a yammie style has a fade in or out, and it's converted to ketron, they appear to exist after initial conversion , but after saving the sd conversion & and then reloading it back into EMC , they've all dissapeared.
Ketron ( as you are probably aware) is more than capable of having controllers like expression throughout the pattern. Fade ins fade outs etc maybe it's just a bug in the software & I should complain to Klaus ( haa haa) in my dealings with him, he's always been great.
Apologies to Liontracs for going off topic.
Fran, maybe we aught to move the topic before we get ourselves into trouble.
best wishes Rikki p.s. I luv discussing styles & EMC, though it's never a topic that appears to crop up. Have you tried Klaus's Style Factory?? [QUOTE]Originally posted by Fran Carango: [B]Rikki, I think your example is hardware related again[SD1]..Controller 11 [expression] depends on the maximum setting of the expression..By default the SD1 is 127..
best wishes Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note SX900 Band in a Box 2022