Hi everyone. I've just spent huge bucks on the genesys XP. HAve you seen the manual....'ENGLISH' version??? Its a total disaster. Obviously translated from the original Italian by a 1st Grade modern language student with virtually no understanding of english. I have been in this business for over 30 years and I have NEVER seen such nonsense. What do General Music think they are doing? The XP may be a wondeful product but the manual is a total disaster. If you want a good laugh, have a look at it on Gem's website....www.generalmusic.com I think.
Registered: 03/08/01
Posts: 640
Loc: Cottage Grove, MN, USA
Hey Peter,
I just gave the manual a quick once-over and I'm drawing a different conclusion. I'm not getting "a total disaster" here. Sure the manual looks rather busy, but it also appears to be technically complete and I for one like that (technical kind of guy, I guess). So to each his own I suppose.
I like the little extra color they used. All the illustrations with detailed text tagged on. So far, so good for me. I'm not having a problem with their use of the English language although I do admit that I'm no expert on the matter.
Was there something more specific you were having a problem with or were you just venting some steam?
Manual not withstanding, how's the XP module workin' out for ya?
Hi Mike, I'm in UK and maybe over here we have a different translated version of the manual. Maybe the US manual is OK. I can't believe its the same as ours. Since I wrote, I discovered Dave's amazing videos!! Have you seen them yet, Mike? They're terrific! Compulsive viewing for all Genyses owners and a credit to Gem's great man Dave.
If you read this, Dave, you've done a superb job. I can' thank you enough... How's you're Italian - English translation??
Originally posted by Peter UK: Since I wrote, I discovered Dave's amazing videos!! Have you seen them yet, Mike? They're terrific! Compulsive viewing for all Genyses owners and a credit to Gem's great man Dave.
If you read this, Dave, you've done a superb job. I can' thank you enough... How's you're Italian - English translation??
Hi Peter,
Thank you very much for the compliment.
If I could somehow add another 10-15 hours in a day I would jump right in there and do the English translation for the XP manual. I have the original Italian to English files and actually they are not all that bad. There are a good number of places were the wording could be altered to make it more proper English friendly, but I think the main content is laid out quite well with good graphics and descriptions. Like you mentioned, possibly you have a different version of the manual.
As always, I am happy to answer any questions you may have regarding your Genesys or any of our products.
Best Regards,
------------------ Wm. David McMahan Nat'l Product and Support Manager Generalmusic USA GEM Community Forums
hey dave, fancy meeting you here!!! seriously though, whilst the manual has some problems with syntax, which is to be expected in a translation, i find it quite informative on most things, there are some areas that need improvement though...if you can get me the original texts i could go over them and sort out the grammar and syntax, etc etc (i am a journalist after all...and i wont "let the truth get in the way of a good story!!" either...anyhow, it's a serious offer if you want to talk further about it, just PM me on the other forum.
I put a sample of the Genesys XP manual on another page in the forum. Have a read.... I use a Fatar TMK88 keyboard. Very basic, but a nice action. I'm mainly a pianist so it suits me fine...and its light fantastic to carry around. Took me a while to figure out TMK transmits on midi ch. 1, so for a while I got nowhere with my new XP as it boots up in Ch. 2 , I think, but thanks to DAVE'S WONDERFUL VIDEOS.... the show is up and running fine now (manual problems excepted, of course!)