That's always been a gripe of mine. Most pop American tunes that feature that triplet feel are actually 12/8 and NOT 6/8. The rhythm clock should be counted as 4 triplets instead of 6 eighth notes ..... that way you could make seamless transitions from 4/4 to 12/8 and stay in the same basic quarter note rhythm. Tapping out 6 beats to start a 50's ballad seems odd to me ..... those old r&b tunes are really in 4 ..... don't ya think?
The PA80 has a few of each kind on board.
As far as favorites ....... I can hit that 12/8 pattern .... and start a I vi IV V7 progression and play a medley that never has to end. I'm sure many players do the same.
When I do those medleys I try to change keys often so the boredom factor is minimized! I sometimes try to use the circle of fifths just to keep my brain workin'. It makes logical sense too.... eg:
In the still of the night - D
Tears on my pillow - G
Put your head on my shoulder - C
Silhouettes - F
You belong to me -Bb
Those oldies but goodies - Eb ...... etc...etc....etc....
At the end of each song, you can play a dominant seventh chord and it takes you right to the new key in a profound way.
it just seems to flow ....... each song leads to the next with a natural cadance that almost sounds "expected".
My crowd grew up with those 50's songs ( Of course, I was just a BABY then !
)and they are always big hits on the dance floor. They must be easy to dance to, as well.