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#156001 - 03/14/02 08:28 PM To Ketron_AJ
Mosiqaar Offline

Registered: 12/01/01
Posts: 999
Loc: Atlanta, GA, USA
Hi Aj,

Can you please help me figure out some things on my X1?

1-If you have the Oriental Kit on Flash Card, can you please test the drum kit sounds and the ACCORD1 sound (for the accord try the key G4 with high velocity...for the arab drumkit sound try F4). I still have backgroung noise on those keys with those sounds...can you check with Ketron and see how I can at least trouble shoot this? George Kaye replaced the Card for me, but I have the same problem. I do not hear those noises when playing the sounds from HD.

2-Can I lock the Arranger volume regardless of changing styles (Can I set the left volume to 50 for example and lock it at 50 while changing styles?).

3-How can I avoid feedback on my vocalizer. When I use the Mic without Voclaizer, I get NO feedback, but as soon as I ACTIVATE the vocalizer, I start getting feedback, any ideas?

4- Can you comment on the difference between 3.2 OS and 4.0 OS? Is one more stable than the other? What are the extras on 4.0 that are not supported on 3.2? I have both but currently I am using 4.0, and it hangs on me at least 1 in 3 times of using the X1. I would push certain buttons and the keyboard will simply freeze and disable all buttons and the only way to get it back is to turn it off and on again (which means having to wait for the SND files to load again).

Thanks AJ...and any other person who has input on this.

#156002 - 03/15/02 11:14 AM Re: To Ketron_AJ
Ketron_AJ Offline

Registered: 03/21/01
Posts: 3610
Loc: Middletown, DE

1-If you have the Oriental Kit on Flash Card, can you please test the drum kit sounds and the ACCORD1 sound (for the accord try the key G4 with high velocity...for the arab drumkit sound try F4). I still have backgroung noise on those keys with those sounds...can you check with Ketron and see how I can at least trouble shoot this? George Kaye replaced the Card for me, but I have the same problem. I do not hear those noises when playing the sounds from HD.
>>>AJ: I have tried to reproduce this same situation above and don't really experience any noise. Sometimes (as could be the case with some samples esp at loud volumes) you might here a 'slight' mid-range 'sound' after the main sound has been reproduced. In such cases, these are parts of the after-tones of the sample (or effects that were sampled along with the initial sample). Also check your ground/plugs/outlets etc. If the sounds work when in RAM and act up when in the card, the issue could possibly be:
* card contact
* card circuit board
You might have to contact NY with regards to repairs/warantee info etc.

2-Can I lock the Arranger volume regardless of changing styles (Can I set the left volume to 50 for example and lock it at 50 while changing styles?).
>>>AJ: This you can do (I'll explain more this evening).
*****> CORRECTION: Pre OS2.3a, this was possible (by pressing both -PAGE+ buttons). However, this LOCKED the arranger volume only. It didn't lock the volumes of the individual components of the arranger (chords, drums ...) so if these values varied greatly from one style to another, there was still a noticeable change in arranger volume. Even if we 'locked' these, there was the issue of the velocity of the keys (harder or softer strokes during the programming of the style?) So in order to be able to 'freeze' the volume of the arranger totally, all these would have to be taken into account for maybe a future OS release since this feature is not available within rel 2.2a-4.0 ?
Sorry for late update!

3-How can I avoid feedback on my vocalizer. When I use the Mic without Voclaizer, I get NO feedback, but as soon as I ACTIVATE the vocalizer, I start getting feedback, any ideas?
>>>AJ: I had an improved VOCALIZER software which I sent out to dealers for customers who requested modifications to their vocalizer (esp those experiencing feedback etc). Please ref to this post: .]].
This software limits feedback by over 90% and also has some more vocal settings and adjustments for the X/SD series vocalizer. Please contact George Kaye (, or Dan Oneil ( and request this software. It's free.

4- Can you comment on the difference between 3.2 OS and 4.0 OS? Is one more stable than the other? What are the extras on 4.0 that are not supported on 3.2?
>>>AJ: OS 4.0 incoorporates all changes/modifications that were made in OS 3.2 plus the following 12 additions (from our website):

1) The writing "Fill4" is changed to "Break" in the menu vocalizer to arranger

2) Record song now records also the bass sustain

3) Search song directory with more then 20 midifile with the same initial character, by pressing value + or - now shows the following pages

4) The functions HOLD e LEFT DRUM are added to the foot switches

5) Possibility to load sound banks till 16 MB

6) When starting with song recording , now the keyboard transopse is cleared

7) Using the sequencer , by pressing PAGE + and - contemporary , the tempo is shown

8) The selection of single registration by footswitch now is possible

9) Saving "DYnamic ARRANGER" in "POWER ON SETUP" now is possible.

10) In "SONG PLAY" and "JUKE BOX" the file list is automatically repositioned

11) In the song record the left balance is now discarded because the song balance has the same function

12) Saving of "POWER ON SETUP" on the disk is now possible in the file "POWER.PON"


[This message has been edited by Ketron_AJ (edited 03-20-2002).]
Design Engineer & Product Specialist.

#156003 - 03/15/02 08:27 PM Re: To Ketron_AJ
Mosiqaar Offline

Registered: 12/01/01
Posts: 999
Loc: Atlanta, GA, USA
Thank you AJ for your prompt response, I am looking forward to your followup.

Let me just reitterate what I said about the noise. The closest I can describe the noise in english is "Hissing noise". You hit the key, it plays the sound but it also with it plays this noise for about 1 second (maybe 1.5). The reason I suspect that its the sample itself is because, when I play the same exact key of the same exact sound, but loaded from HD rather than Flash card, I don't get that noise. I hope that its not something wrong with my X1 Hardware wise. But I would sure like to trouble shoot it to al least figure out where the problem is.

I will definitly contact George Kaye (Since that is who I bought my X1 from) for the vocalizer software. Let me ask you, if I load this software and decide to revert back to what I have now, can I? I was not even aware that there was a software invovled for the vocalizer. However I cannot wait to get it and get rid of my feedback.

Thanks again AJ.

#156004 - 03/15/02 11:32 PM Re: To Ketron_AJ
Mosiqaar Offline

Registered: 12/01/01
Posts: 999
Loc: Atlanta, GA, USA
Hi again AJ,

I talked to George Kaye about the vocalizer software, he said he would send it to me on Monday since he has it at the store. I have a party tomorrow night (Saturday), and it would be great if you can email it to me before then.


#156005 - 03/16/02 08:01 AM Re: To Ketron_AJ
George Kaye Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 11/24/99
Posts: 3305
Loc: Reseda, California USA
I have to set up a PA system for my son's baseball league this morning and then go out to see my older son's college baseball game in the afternoon, but I will stop by the store at around 10:30 and find the file and email it to you.
George Kaye
Kaye's Music Scene
George Kaye
Kaye's Music Scene (Closed after 51 years)
West Hills, California
(Retired 2021)

#156006 - 03/16/02 12:04 PM Re: To Ketron_AJ
George Kaye Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 11/24/99
Posts: 3305
Loc: Reseda, California USA
Didn't make it back to the store but I called Emerson, my "sidekick" and he found the file and is emailing to you as I write this. Good luck! with your gig Saturday Night.
George Kaye
Kaye's Music Scene
Reseda, California
George Kaye
Kaye's Music Scene (Closed after 51 years)
West Hills, California
(Retired 2021)

#156007 - 03/16/02 03:56 PM Re: To Ketron_AJ
naziz Offline

Registered: 02/09/00
Posts: 70
Loc: liverpool, Uk
is this software available outside the US?
I would like to have the opportunity to use.
Nabil Aziz

#156008 - 03/17/02 02:51 AM Re: To Ketron_AJ
Mosiqaar Offline

Registered: 12/01/01
Posts: 999
Loc: Atlanta, GA, USA
Thanks George,

I got an email from you with the file (3k) in size (is that all? ). Per our converstaion a few hours ago, please let me know what can you do concerning the Flash card.

Naziz, I can email you the file, whats ur email address??

#156009 - 03/18/02 06:58 AM Re: To Ketron_AJ
Ketron_AJ Offline

Registered: 03/21/01
Posts: 3610
Loc: Middletown, DE
I have 'modified' initial response(s) to your question(s) above.

Did you get software?

Design Engineer & Product Specialist.

#156010 - 03/19/02 11:28 PM Re: To Ketron_AJ
Mosiqaar Offline

Registered: 12/01/01
Posts: 999
Loc: Atlanta, GA, USA

Sorry but for question 2 above your response is unclear. Did you conclude that its not possible with the current OS release to lock the arranger? That is what I got out of your above response, please elaborate. thanks.

Concerning question number one, is there a way I can check if its the card connections or circuit board? Or do I have to send it in under the warranty?
Thanks again

#156011 - 03/20/02 11:45 AM Re: To Ketron_AJ
Ketron_AJ Offline

Registered: 03/21/01
Posts: 3610
Loc: Middletown, DE
Once more, updated above.
Design Engineer & Product Specialist.

#156012 - 03/20/02 04:42 PM Re: To Ketron_AJ
flowerssupply Offline

Registered: 09/13/99
Posts: 312
Loc: Ireland
Dear Mosiqaar I balance all volumes by Registrations. I strongly recommend this. Pierce

#156013 - 03/20/02 07:45 PM Re: To Ketron_AJ
Mosiqaar Offline

Registered: 12/01/01
Posts: 999
Loc: Atlanta, GA, USA
Thanks AJ, I guess I will follow the suggestion from flowerssupply for now.

Can you try to incorporate these two features into the new OS please:

1-The Group function now only works well if the patterns use the same sounds, by putting patterns in the same group, it allows the instant change but it locks the sounds of each track. Can we have it to where if I put patterns into one group that I can have instant style change but at the same time sound change recognition still occurs?

2-In the EDIT PATTERN, it seems that there are certain limitations to what sounds can be assigned to which track. For example it appears that I cannot chose any drum kit I want to for DRUM2, and I cannot use the BASS track with a DRUMKKIT sound. I own a GEM and this is one cool feature where I can assign 5 drumkits to 5 differnet tracks I wanted to. Can this be done on the X1 to where we can put any sound or drumkit on any of the available tracks?

Thanks AJ

Flowerssuply thanks for your suggestion. I only had my X1 for less than a month now, let me ask this. If I setup one registration (I have not used them yet) to have a certain volume on the arranger and a certain mix of the different tracks, can I simply select that registration and be able to change sounds and styles without affecting the volume setup? In other words can a registration lock my arranger without locking my styles or sounds?


#156014 - 03/21/02 07:26 AM Re: To Ketron_AJ
Ketron_AJ Offline

Registered: 03/21/01
Posts: 3610
Loc: Middletown, DE

The use of Registrations (suggested by flowerssupply) is good (%90) for you can actually 'lock' the global volume of the LHS as you change from REGISTRATION to REGISTRAION (with each registration having it's own styles per your assignment). The only limitation with this is that sometimes, the style's volume could still vary (slightly) not because of the over volume of the style per say, but because of the individual volumes of the components of each style which the global left volume doesn't directly control.

* Please explain (a little deeper) point (1) above.

* We will evaluate this possibility of assigning all sounds on board to all tracks (seq/arranger).


Design Engineer & Product Specialist.

#156015 - 03/21/02 08:35 PM Re: To Ketron_AJ
Mosiqaar Offline

Registered: 12/01/01
Posts: 999
Loc: Atlanta, GA, USA
Thank you AJ.

About the GROUP function. It was added and explained in the addendum to the manual that the GROUP function allows the instant change from style to style within the same group, but the problem is that when certain styles are put in one group, x1 assumes that they are using the same sounds on the left hand side thus, when changing from style to another, it does not recoginze sound changes! For example, if I have pattern 1 and 2 and 3 of BANK A, assigned to GROUP 1, and patterns 4, 5, 6 of BANK A assigned to GROUP 2 lets say. It is possible to do instant changes between patterns 1,2 3, OR between 4,5,6 (but if we switch from 2 to 4 lets say it will wait till next measure). The problem is, if pattern 1 has USR DRUM1 and PICK BASS, and pattern 2 has USR DRUM2 and ACOUSTIC BASS lets say, then by putting them in the same GROUP (group 1 in this case), the X1 will not change the sounds as we change from pattern 1 to pattern 2. So even though the loops change to the new pattern, it will still use the same sounds of the pattern u were playign before, so switch from pattern 1 to 2, would still use USR DRUM1 and PICK BASS in pattern 2, when it really should be switching to USR DRUM2 and ACOUSTIC BASS. So apparently when putting patterns into one group, you are disableing sound change recognition. The only way to not have that problem is to turn the GROUP function off when loading patterns (or editting them), but that will force the styles to wait till next measure before going to the new one. It would be great if we can have the best of both worlds. Be able to switch styles instantly and have the voice change recognitions for the LHS.

If I need to elaborate more please let me know.

Thanks again

-I guess concerning locking the volume I am going to have to go to each pattern/style I use and set the right volumes on it and save them.

#156016 - 03/22/02 05:57 AM Re: To Ketron_AJ
Ketron_AJ Offline

Registered: 03/21/01
Posts: 3610
Loc: Middletown, DE
Thanks for the explanation mentioned above. I will look into a possible modification of this feature.
Design Engineer & Product Specialist.

#156017 - 03/23/02 01:56 AM Re: To Ketron_AJ
Mosiqaar Offline

Registered: 12/01/01
Posts: 999
Loc: Atlanta, GA, USA
No AJ, THANK YOUUUUUU . Let me say that I still cannot get over the excitement I get everytime I think that we are directly in touch with those who modifdy and develope the keyboards we own (that would be you). Man if you asked me a few years ago, it was not even thinkable to actually hope for what I want in a product I own to be delivered to a company, let alone for it to be considered, and let alone to actually be done.
The next best thing is if I meet you in person . By the way, your job has always been a dream for me (I am an engineer and a musician and I always dreamed how great it would be if I could use both skill in one place, I even thought maybe that will allow me to engineer THE ULTIMATE keyboard for me anyway). If you ever hear of openings let me know .
thanks again

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