Hi Guy`s,
I have a question !
Now before you think I`m crazy or living under a rock , let me say this first:
I own a Mac , I don`t own an iPod and I have never used iTunes.
Now , we got that out of the way , so here goes:
I popped a CD into my mac and instead of playing it , I opened it and found all the songs to be .aiff files.
So i crossed referenced the info I have on the Pa800 and it will read .aiff files with the EXBP - MP3 Expansion Board.
OK , now we are cook`n , I think , so if I had a Pa800 with the MP3 board i could rip songs off a CD and onto a USB flash drive and load hem onto the Pa800.
Now , other than listen to them , what can you do with them ?
Can you play along , change different tracks ?
In other words , what the heck does that board do !!!
Many thanks , and sorry for being a little behind the times !
I`m just not as young as I was yesterday !!
