Hi dreamer must be your speakers m8, just listened to those timings and it's a C bass at both the times quoted which is the lowest bass note in the song but it certainly doesn't distort through Logitech Z5500's.
Also loaded the MP3 into some music software packages to check the levels just in case and it doesn't clip, checked with Bose headphones and no probs
The sax is a WAV edited by myself using the PC software then saved as a TVN. The style is also a custom one, the piano sounds, strings, Blackpool Tower theatre organ are all my own created sounds (TVN), only thing that is a preset is the bass and pedal steel guitar which was layered to right 1 and 2, the drums have also been edited. Everything saved into the 8 reg buttons and called up live whilst playing. Only thing I forgot to include in the song was my own multipad near the end (latin drum sounds), like a fart I didn't turn it on lmao