I'm bummed out but I guess I should have seen this coming: I got a copy of XGWorks 3.0 and upgraded it to 3.05e. I didn't go up to 3.07 because I'm not using WinXP. It works fine I guess, but the "model setup" for the PSR-9000 only let's me select and tweak XG voice on my 9000 Pro, not the Live! and Sweet! voices (L/S voices for short). There appears to be no function in XGWorks for creating my own instrument definitions either. To top it all off, when I let XGWorks do an auto-model-setup with the 9000 Pro, it says that I'm using an MU128. Fortunately I can select L/S voices using Sonar and a definition file for the PSR9000 for my sequences, but I'm getting this feeling that maybe those L/S voices are not like XG voices at all and maybe I can't adjust their EQ and apply insertion effects etc.
I haven't seen this fact mentioned anywhere else here so I'm wondering if anyone else has figured out whether L/S voices are editable like the XG voices are by any program (aside from the fact that you can add normal reverb/chorus/panning to them)? Or am I missing a model setup file for the 9000 Pro for XGWorks? OR am I simply expecting too much from XGWorks?