Originally posted by Tapas:
Perhaps Scott could give you a hand on how to replace the factory .mfd file with this one.
1) Copy .mfd file to floppy diskette
2) Insert diskette into Tyros
3) Select: Menu>Function>Utility
4) Select: System Reset Tab
5) Select Music Finder "I" button
6) Select "FD" Tab
7) Select .mfd file on FD
8) You will then get a message that asks if you want to 'append' or 'replace' the existing .mfd file with the one on the FD. Select the 'replace' option.
9) Hit the EXIT button repeatedly until you get back to the MAIN DISPLAY screen window
10) Your new .mfd file should now appear when you select Music Finder (blue button)
PS: Don't worry about ever losing the original .MFD file that came with your Tyros. It is permanently stored on your Tyros and can be easily RESTORED anytime. I myself NEVER use the one included in the Tyros, or even the re-named one (with the correct names). I recommend that you START with the renamed .mfd file that Tapas sent you, and then begin adding & editing the database to reflect just the songs that you actually play. Read my other threads on this topic for more MFD details:
http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/Forum37/HTML/009118.html http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/Forum37/HTML/009131.html Scott
