#159497 - 05/29/02 12:36 PM
Senior Member
Registered: 01/02/00
Posts: 3781
Loc: San Jose, California
I am considering buying the Yamaha PSR 9000 or the PSR 9000 PRO. I would appreciate a reply and a recommendation from anyone knowledgeable about these two boards. I am thinking of buying one or the other as a companion to my KN6000. I have passed on the KN6500, and I am beginning to feel like I am going to pass on the KN7000. It seems to me that Yamaha has everything already in the PRO or as an accessory that the top end technics should have had two models back. I have the best price so far from xxxxxx for the PRO at $2800 discounted from list price of 4000.00, no tax and just freight of maybe 40.00 or thereabouts. I did not get their price on the non pro 9000 yet but it lists for 3500.00 so comparably should be about 2450.00. I did find three new ones offered for 2200.00 in San Jose, Calif.All these prices are US Dollars for those of you in Europe/UK. Please post advise here, on Yamaha forum or on Technics forum or email me at bforrest@ix.netcom.com Best to you and Yours Bebop moderator of the Technics Forum ------------------ BEBOP Moderator SynthZone TECHNICS FORUM http://www.synthzone.com/cgi-bin/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number=25 Bill Forrest in SAN JOSE, CALIF. USA bforrest@ix.netcom.com ICQ # 562519 Homepage http://www.anycities.com/bebop/
#159499 - 05/29/02 05:05 PM
Registered: 02/04/01
Posts: 698
Loc: MN. U.S.A.
HI: BEBOP The PSR9000 & 9000 PRO have the good sound Jedi talks about & also has the quality built into the keyboard also, but they are heavy PSR9000 51lbs. 9000 PRO 45 lbs. no speakers in the PRO . The vocal harmonizer is great in both boards. I have the Technics KN5000 & the 9000 PRO I love the 9000 PRO GREAT board. Have had the PRO 15 months & no trouble with it yet. It took me a little while to get used to the OS on the Yamaha as they do things different then Technics, but now I find it to be as easy or maybe easier to use then the Technics. If you have any questions send me a Email & I will try to help. Enjoying the 9000 PRO  Denny
Denny KN5000, Yamaha PSR-SX900
#159500 - 05/29/02 08:07 PM
Registered: 04/15/02
Posts: 554
Loc: Prospect Heights IL USA
I think everybody should get stuck a few times. Kind of keeps them on their toes so they don’t get stuck again. I remember when I was a kid and lived with my Grandpa during the depression. On this one super hot summer day my dad had a little extra cash and decided to get a big fat juicy watermelon, soak it in a tub of ice water and call up the relatives for a party. When the time came dad sliced open the melon. It was awful, not ripe at all. My grandpa told dad, see, I told you to stick it and plug it before you bought it. Well let me tell you that was the last time old dad got stuck with a bad one. So BEBOP don’t get stuck with something before you test it real good.
I’m glad you had the good judgment to inquire and get opinions before you decide to purchase. Good thinking! In fact after I present my expert advice chances are you will see it prudent to seek no other. After many many years of making decisions, executing purchases and the like I have come up with this scheme of virtual perfection. Ninety nine point ninety nine percent foolproof. And I must say, pure genius. And now I shall present my expert advice for the acquiring a companion for your 6000. Get what you like. If the six can’t get along with the nine divorce them. If you get stuck with it invoke the old Chinese proverb - You fool me once, shame on you. You fool me twice shame on me.
The only thing I haven’t worked out to make this one hundred percent perfecct, is Ruthie. Well Ruthie is OK, it’s just her mouth. Why does she always say - I told you so, see, I told told you so!!! Those words just make me feel bad all over.
Well BEBOP even if you don’t take my advice I had fun giving it. Just remember, planing and looking forward to buying or doing something is always more fun than maintaining it.
Grandpa Doug
Grampa Doug
#159504 - 05/30/02 07:26 AM
Registered: 09/22/05
Posts: 256
Loc: Hilton Head, SC, USA
I've owned my 9KPro for about 6 weeks and it is the most impressive keyboard I've ever seen much less owned. There are sounds in the 9000 Pro that are not in the PSR9000 so you should check the 9kPro out thoroughly. The PSR9000 is very cumbersome because of it's speakers and shape whereas the 9000 Pro is lighter and more streamlined. I love using the gooseneck lights on the 9kPro, which gives off a nice glow from the stage and is bright enough to illuminate my sheet music. You can get very deep with this keyboard and I am still spending a lot of time customizing the settings for my use and taste. And guys, can we lighten up on the fact that the 9000 Pro doesn't have speakers? Can anyone here imagine what a 76-key 9kPro with speakers would look like and weigh considering what the PSR9000 is like? I don't need another bulky 70 or 80lb keyboard! I use a pair of easily-transported powered JBL EON 10's that weigh 27lbs each and deliver up to 175 watts per cab of clean sound. They sit on the floor tilted up towards me and do the job, small or large, that no internal keyboard speakers could ever do. That's why Yamaha took the "PSR" label from the 9000 Pro, and I'm glad. They didn't call it the "9000 Semi-Pro" or the "9000 Advanced-Home-Instrument" for a reason.
One other thing: I realize that most people really love their keyboards (that's why they bought them) but I couldn't own a PSR2000 for the simple reason that 64 notes of polyphony is just not enough, at least for me, when using accompaniment or midi file playback along with live performance on the same instrument. The 9000's come with 128 note polyphony and even that seemed a little cramped, so I opted for the piano expansion card for my 9Kpro, which by itself has as much polyphony as the PSR2000 (64 notes). If you're going to go, might as well go-rilla!
And finally, another reason I chose the 9kPro for was intimidation, I admit it. I have to compete with other keyboardists in my area so I went with the mothership, and that's just what the 9000 Pro looks and performs like. There is a big oo-ah factor involved when the audience, my employers and my competitors see and hear the 9000 Pro. This doesn't look like something just anyone could just waltz in and play unlike most of the other PSR's. If you don't buy the best, you'll always wonder what you're missing and just how good your performance could have been. The 9000 Pro a 21st century instrument and those who master it are at the top of the game.
#159505 - 05/30/02 02:40 PM
Senior Member
Registered: 12/15/99
Posts: 2029
Loc: Ventura, Ca, USA
The Psr 9000 has 36MB of sound the 9000 Pro has 48MB of sound, including a great Grand Piano. I love the 76 synth action keys.
I love my Pro too, and with the Psr 2000/CVP209 Styles it sounds great.
I'm with Esh, that I don't need internal speakers. I'm quite happy without them.
Genos, PSR-S970, TC Helicon VoiceLive3, Mackie 802-VLZ3 Mixer, 2 Bose L1 Pro16, Electro-Voice ZXA1 Subwoofer
#159506 - 05/30/02 03:16 PM
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
I think the 9000pro & PSR9000 are wonderful top of the line models, but I think you should not overlook the PSR2000. One strong advantage (other than it's much lower price ($1,000 vs $2800 street price & much lighter weight/size, 24 vs 50 lbs) it that the PSR2000's OTS (one touch settings) are stored as part of the style itself. The OTS settings on the PSR9000/9000pro (on the other hand) are not incorporated as part of the style, but stored saved as a 'separate' file. Yamaha's high end (very expensive) Clavinova Piano (CVP209) includes many fantastic new styles which incorporate the custom OTS settings within the style itself. Beakybird (Larry) spent hours tweaking these custom OTS settings to sound terrific on the PSR2000. OTS (one touch settings) include 4 solo (panel voices) matched to each given style, similar to the way Panel memory functions with your Technics KN6000 keyboard. CVP209 styles loaded into the PSR2000 will include the OTS settings. On the other hand, CVP209 and PSR2000 styles loaded into the PSR9000 or 9000 pro, only play the style itself, and don't include the OTS voice setups. Another IMPORTANT UPDATE: I recently setup & customized my PSR2000's powerful MusicFinder database feature in combination with its OTS (voice) settings for performing the majority of my material and find it immensely useful. I currently have my complete core repetoire (about 460 songs) stored in the MusicFinder. Now I can quickly access any song and the correct style, tempo with appopriate OTS voice settings come up automatically as well. This can all be pulled up in a matter of just a few seconds. The Music Finder also allows me to conveniently pull up & select a tune from a song list 'by category' (ballads, latin, funk, dance, country, favs, etc). Though I still use the Reg Memory and Reg Sequence feature for selected showcase material, I'm primarily using the Music Finder along with OTS now . I look forward to showing you this when we meet on the 9th. I 'still' recommend the PSR2000 highly. It's sounds fantastic & is holding up well for me. - Scott  ------------------ http://scottyee.com [This message has been edited by Scottyee (edited 05-30-2002).]
#159513 - 06/03/02 09:47 AM
Registered: 02/04/01
Posts: 698
Loc: MN. U.S.A.
HI: BEBOP Congrat's on your decision to get the 9000 PRO !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think you will ever regret buying the PRO. It is a great keyboard. As I said before I went from the Technic's KN5000 to the PRO, (I still have the 5000) but never play it, just keep it for a spare. You will have to join us at Yamaha-psr-styles group & the Yamaha-psr-song's group, a great bunch of guy's & gals. & ton's of new styles & midi songs. All kinds of help when you need it. Here are the links if you don't already have them. And it's all free. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/yamaha-psr-styles/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/yamaha-psr-songs/ Here is a link to SVP World also http://www.svpworld.com/index.html Enjoying the 9000 PRO  Denny
Denny KN5000, Yamaha PSR-SX900