#161777 - 04/15/05 10:49 AM
Got my hands on a G70 yesterday
Senior Member
Registered: 11/24/99
Posts: 1676
Loc: Milford, CT, USA
After a long battle I was able to get my hands on a G70.
Out of the box this thing sounded like crap, sounds where washed out, bass overpowering, just a mess,
Checked the Op system, which was 1.05, so I updated to 1.06, and wow it came alive.,
Just to put it simply I would say the G70 is a mix of a Tyros and Pa1xpro,
Sounds and styles are very Roland but with a little more, the operating system is Tyros and better, The individual sounds are very close to the combo of both keyboards but I would have to say the PA1 sounds are the best.
#161779 - 04/15/05 12:52 PM
Re: Got my hands on a G70 yesterday
Senior Member
Registered: 11/24/99
Posts: 1676
Loc: Milford, CT, USA
Dear Frankieve;
When you state the Pa1x sounds are the best, are you stating that all of the Korgs sound banks are better , or just particular sets, or just in general?
Well, it seems that the sounds are more like a workstation sound, meaning there seems to be more detail in each sound, if I had to do a studio project or recording session, I would probably use the PA because of the quality of sound, followed very closely by the G70, then the Tyros.
So if you were to rank realism of sounds/styles the order would be; 1) Pa1x 2) G-70 3) Yamaha?
The Korg styles are like you said, very basic sound set, not very layered sounding, allot of room to add or solo over. I still hate how the fills fit in, they are not very smooth when you hit them. the Tyros and G70 fit in great.
My interpretations is that Yamaha styles are more "up front/in your face/complex" while Pa1x styles are more small ensemble like like/ realistic but understated, more room for the player to accompany & fill-in. So if I understand your comment about the roland, would it be a cross between the above description?
Yes the G70 seems to have that basic type feel but also has the ability and are in allot of the styles to have that 20 piece band type sound. The G70 seems to have a very good grasp on the older rock stuff and the Eupropean styles
Other then operating system, is there any category that the Roland acceles at, and betters the other 2 KBs?
The layout is great for easy access of important features, example if you need to adjust anything on the vocals you can reach to the upper right and have everything at your fingertips instead of going into menus to pick stuff out.
The screen is very nice, still getting used to the layout, seems that the Tyros and PA1x have more useful info on the screen.
Midi file playback is great, fast and easy. you can switch between arranger and playback incrdeible fast with no delay. you can use their version of a songbook just like Korgs but with out the delay,
The G70 also has a cool feature with sound selection, if your playing an arrangemnet and you decide to play a sax sound you can hit the sax group and it will have the last sound you had use come up instantly.
Also midi file allows you to have the song start from the first note instead of waiting a measure for info to be transmitted, altough I am curious if it stills uses that info?
It has a chord extractor for getting chords off of midi files.
At first I thought the lack of hard drive would be a pain in the ass but it actually is really cool. I can buy a 1 gig compact flash card for $75 at Sams' club and I'm ready to go, with the ability to change and add from my computer with ease.
I still have allot to learn
#161782 - 04/15/05 02:15 PM
Re: Got my hands on a G70 yesterday
Senior Member
Registered: 11/24/99
Posts: 1676
Loc: Milford, CT, USA
In my opinion, the SD1 is the overall winner in styles, and sounds. But the operating system is very confusing, the layout sucks, especially in dimmly lit situations.
The overall fidelity is a little more on the midrange, but its great in band situations and soloing, Also they have a problem with notes dropping out when using the vocalizer too.
playing a midi file isn't as fast to call up, and the reg system, while still better than yamaha's is still not very user friendly.
I think even though the SD1 is getting a little long in the tooth, it's still among the top 3.
It all depends on what points agravate you the most to drop it in the ranking,
I still love the SD1 and the minute Ketron comes up with thier replacement and hopefully a major op system upgrade, I will be the first in line.
so in overall order of styles SD1 G70/Tyros Korg
Single sounds Korg G70/SD1 Tyros
Overall operations G70 Korg/Tyros SD1
Midi playback G70 SD1 Korg/Tyros
Vocalizer G70/Korg SD1 dead dead last Tyros
Weight Tyros SD1 Korg G70
#161791 - 04/16/05 08:24 AM
Re: Got my hands on a G70 yesterday
Senior Member
Registered: 11/24/99
Posts: 1676
Loc: Milford, CT, USA
#161794 - 04/22/05 12:22 PM
Re: Got my hands on a G70 yesterday
Registered: 02/01/05
Posts: 220
Dear Frankieve; I notice in your post (listed below), and am interested in your assesment of the Vocal harmonizer (VH) units in the Pa1x & G-70. I see that you have ranked them approximately equal. Can you expand on that a little (i.e. sound quality, authenticity/naturalness of sound and harmony parts, ease of use, fexibility). How long did you asses each unit? I am a little concerned about the G-70s sound quality due to its rca output. Secondly, the G-70s VH is a carry over of their Discover 5 technology vs. outsourcing to a specialty company like Korg did with TC-works in their Pa1x. Comments are appreciated.
PS--if Ketron comes out with a new board they had better fix the ergonomics.(i.e. larger buttons, with on/off light features/ larger color screen, better lay-out, OS system revamp, Customer support!!!!! with Q & A/workshops/upgrades in a timley manor, actually responding to clients, just to name a few) Thanks Regards; BN
Vocalizer G70/Korg SD1 dead dead last Tyros