Fran I'll let you in on a secret. We talk about you. For example: When you and I were emailing about keyboards way back when I first starting thinking about a one man band, and you sent me an owners manual and I think a video of a keyboard you were selling, Scott Yee and I had just met on email too. I told him you were a girl and he told me he thought you were a man. Ha! Ha!
The name Fran threw me. This just shows how things can get screwed up on the internet. And when I saw your picture with the girls in the band on the forum one day, I was glad I didn't call you Ma'm in my emails. Ha! Ha!
Cause I don't know if you're 6'5" like DonM, but you sure do look as scary and mean as he does. You guys remind me of "Have Gun Will Travel" Pallidin. Remember him.
However the word is out. I heard you're nothing but a big teddy bear just like DonM. See I'm talking to you buddy. Sometimes I have the same feelings you described above.
I'm not prejudiced, I hate everybody!! Ha ha! My Sister-In-Law had this tee shirt. She was a riot!!!