Thanks to all for taking the time to listen and also for your words. Really, these were not meant to be "songs" of which I could be proud, but mere demo's of some of the new sounds and styles of the Tyros 2.
Just to tell you how much I like my T2, I was right now playing all my old bossa nova songs with the new SA Acoustic Guitar and I almost wept with joy! For the first time in my life I feel I am able to fool myself into thinking that I am playing a real acoustic guitar, but at the same time I realize that not everyone likes this kind of music (some people even call it "elevator music"

) , so what's the point to persuade everybody that the Tyros 2 is a great keyboard?

Chony, the best I can imagine right now in terms of "drums" is a style called "Jazz Pop", that has some really nice and crisp drums, but right now I feel kind of tired (had a very hard week and it's not over yet), so please give me some more time, at least till the week end.
Lou, thanks again; you like Enya, so I know that you have a delicate soul.

Al, the greates part of my pics were taken with Nikon cameras (F3 and 801) (they are not digital, so I had to scan every single slide afterwards). Right now I have a Nikon D 70 (digital) and I love it: really made my life much easier!
Linda, it's great to hear from you!

DerfMusic, thanks! I am sorry for not being able to put out better demo's, but today I feel really drained.