So.... Other than the usual partisanship, not much so far in actual response to my questions about the Mega voice system.
What a storm in a teacup

As anyone who had actually READ my post would understand (rather than read INTO it their own agenda) all I want to do is add some Mega voice sounds to my G70. Jump ship? Hardly...
I am firmly committed to the Roland G70 until something comes out that is better in overall 'live-ness' of sound, 'live-ness' of styles, 'pro' quality keybed and construction and adds a Chord Sequencer (!). But even I am prepared to admit there are sounds in other arrangers or synths that can be better than the G70's. On the other hand, there are things in the G70 that eclipse some of their sounds, too (and SOME of you might even be open-minded enough to admit that, too!). There's NO one 'do it all' arranger, IMO (or I'd have it already!).
But, IMO, Yamaha's Mega voices are the best 'real' sounding guitars I've heard, so far, and I'd simply like to ADD them to the G70. A MotifXS Rack (or ES Rack if they don't hurry up and release it soon) would be ideal, but I am having trouble getting solid information about how the technology works, and whether it is possible to trigger it from a Roland arranger.
So, one more time (maestro, please!), does anyone have any REAL information about linking the two?
miden and NickG... any experience using the Mega voices? I don't care too much about the insertion effects until I am sure the Mega stuff can be triggered by my Roland...