Originally posted by KN_Fan:
Now- My question is: Since the keyboard technology is getting better and better these days, would it jeopardize our performance in a sense that the audience would think "Wow, what kind of keyboard that can make that kind of sound?" instead of "Wow he/she is a good performer"? ....
IMO, it depends on who the audience is, what types of audiences are attracted to the musical path that you have chosen to take.
If you're doing a traditional concert, you will need to be emphasizing your musicianship, your virtuosity, your chops, so you can probably leave the arranger at home and bring the Steinway.
If you're doing a club or dinnerhouse, more variables come into play ... a balance of musicianship, entertainment, mix of styles and rhythm.
Bring the arranger -OR- bring the Steinway and the bass player, and the drummer, and the guitar ... and the... and the....
If the event is a dance, bring the arranger and all of its boltons because you will need all of the flexibility the arranger provides for all rhythms, styles, instrument sounds, etc, otherwise they will probably be hiring a dj next year.