#164520 - 04/27/06 04:31 PM
Re: Interested in a Trade? Like new Midjay w/ Roland A37 Controller 76 keys for TYROS 1
Senior Member
Registered: 10/27/03
Posts: 2417
Loc: CA
Donny I could be wrong but I think you may find an even trade with a Tyros hard to come by. Someone might not want to trade one piece of gear that is capable of doing the same thing as the two pieces of gear you're trying to trade it for. And even though the A37 Controller KB has 76 keys the Tyros has an Octave switch which accomplishes the same thing although it takes practice to use it seamlessly in a Live situation. The Octave switch feature works with the Tyros' Registrations also. You may find more opportunity for selling the Midjay and Roland A37 Controller KB on eBay and you could possibly get a higher price for them there. It's worth trying to trade or sell them here but you may find an even trade for a Tyros hard to come by. Especially since the Tyros has 128 note Polyphony versus the Ketron Midjay's ?? polyphony. PS: Ketron doesn't list the polyphony spec for the Midjay but it's highly unlikely it's over 64 notes. Seeing every other board or module they sell is 64 note tops including their top of the line SD1 Plus. Having said all that I hope you indeed do find a buyer for your gear and acquire a Yamaha Tyros. You won't be disappointed in my opinion. Especially since the Tyros2 has been reported to have lag time when changing voice banks or voices within a bank and some think the CPU on the Tyros2 has reached it's limit and in fact is past its limit because it does indeed experience a noticeable lag time. Which could raise havoc I would think in a Live situation. Fortunately the Tyros does not exhibit that noticeable lagtime phenomenon. So going with a Tyros instead of a Tyros2 is not only a much less expensive proposition but in my opinion a wise choice.  You will be getting the same polyphony as the Tyros2, the same amount of keys, the same Live! Grand Piano and Live! Warm Grand Piano patches as is on the Tyros2, a better looking design in my opinion, and all for a 'bundle' of money less. And believe me the SA voices are overrated expect in a few instances such as for example the SA Trumpet, the SA Tenor Sax, the SA Solid Guitar, and the SA Concert Strings . But Yamaha is on the right track with the SA voices and I expect them to improve upon the SA realism in the future. But hey! The future's the future and now is now.  It's a great time to buy a Tyros! For all who are interested GC has marked the Tyros down 500 smackeroos from its original purchase price. Negotiate with them and most likely they'll knock down some more. Bargain with them and they might even include some bonus items like a carrying case and/or the Tyros speaker set. But if you don't already own a high end arranger and money is no object then go for a Tyros2. Just beware of its limitations or should I say lag time. My 2¢ Best regards, Mike
Yamaha Genos, Mackie HR824 MKII Studio Monitors, Mackie 1202 VLZ Pro Mixer (made in USA), Cakewalk Sonar Platinum, Shure SM58 vocal mic.
#164521 - 04/27/06 05:26 PM
Re: Interested in a Trade? Like new Midjay w/ Roland A37 Controller 76 keys for TYROS 1
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Originally posted by keybplayer: the Tyros2 has been reported to have lag time when changing voice banks or voices within a bank . . . Which could raise havoc I would think in a Live situation. Fortunately the Tyros does not exhibit that noticeable lagtime phenomenon. Mike, as one who performs live on Tyros2 everyday, I've not experienced this. I've found whatever lag time to be no different than I had experienced with Tyros1. Originally posted by keybplayer:
believe me the SA voices are overrated
Mike, I can't disagree with you MORE here. The Tyros2's SA voices (not just the ones you mentioned) are, in my professional opinion, a big standout, especially for LIVE performance. For the first time, I'm now able with Tyros2, to showcase far more expressive realistic sounding 'instrumental solos' in live performance. I was not able to obtain this kind of expression with Tyros1, and I've received much audience-client praise to confirm this as well. My favorite S.A Articulation voices (of the 42 available) & which I utilize most for live instrumental soloing are: Concert Guitar Steel Guitar Pedal Steel Guitar (including special SA pitch bend feature) Warm Solid Clean Solid Nylon Guitar Saxophone Big Band Sax Jazz Rotary Organ Rock Rotary Organ Trumpet Trumpet Fall Big Band Brass Brass Falls I believe that Tyros1 continues to be a good value for its current re-sale price, but think that Tyros2 offers even much much more than I originally anticipated when upgrading from Tyros1 to it. In addition the super articulation voices, much improved kb feel, and convenient HD recording capabilities, Tyros2 now allows you display lyrics & chords , and save these in regs 1-8, making music display when performing, MORE transparent than ever. Though I continue to appreciate my MusicPad Pro unit as much as ever because it contains stacks of fakebook music to fulfill just about any obscure request, I now have over 150 songs which AUTOMATICALLY appear on the Tyros2 display screen when I select a song in registration. Better yet, I've tied specific song sections (verse, chorus) to come up for it's associated reg (1-8) as well as a an indication of which reg button to press 'next' during a song. The best thing about all this is that the audience has NO CLUE that any lyric sheet/chord chart is being utilized. Nothing at all to get in the way between my and my audiences now, though I continue to take along the MusicPad Pro to satisfy any offbeat requests. Ok, before I start sounding like a commercial for Tyros2, I'll shut up now. Scott 
#164525 - 04/28/06 08:48 AM
Re: Interested in a Trade? Like new Midjay w/ Roland A37 Controller 76 keys for TYROS 1
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Oh no Donny. Back to your old trick of DELETING  your postings again?! That's really a dis-service, especially after so many people took the time to respond. At least you aren't able to completely remove the thread (including responses) as you used to be able to do Originally posted by Dnj: In so many ways the Ketron MIDJAY is so much better sounding . . . it really kicks butt & I needed that aspect to record my new CD "Swingin with the Big Bands" of which the MJ made it so simple and did its job very admirably........now that the project is complete I really dont need the MJ. Its an awesome piece of gear but my needs keep changing & I have to change with it
Ok Donny, I acknowledge you like the Midjay because it "kicks butt", of which I assume means having that classic Ketron "in your face" punchy sound, but why don't you be more specific about the ways the the Midjay is "better sounding" than the competition. Ok Donny, we all know you didn't specifically purchase the Midjay for your CD recording project alone. Why don't you be candidly honest and tell us why you now SUDDENLY  want to sell it, and go back to Yamaha(?), especially considering the FACT you spent so MANY MONTHS bashing Tyros2, and recommending the Midjay as so much better. Your continuous 'back & forth' fickleness really promotes confusion, especially to 'new members' who look to us senior members & pros here for keyboard brand/model purchase guidance. I myself remain extremely happy performing with my Tyros2 keyboard, irregardless of the months of unrelentless anti-Tyros2 teasing & taunting you and Fran Carango aimed at me & other Tyros2 enthusiasts here, and of which regrettably drove valuable contributing Synthzone members: Roel Dejonge, Heikki Kahola (theWolf), Chico Brasil, and Notlos (Dirk Baert), to leave this forum altogether. Ok. Thanks for letting me blow off steam. Scott