Well, I have only heard the Tyros live, the rest I've heard on sound samples online. But believe me, my ears are really sensitive to noise!
In order to get really close to the most basic sounds today like piano, organ, electric piano, bass, drums and accoustic guitars, you need dedicated keyboards. What I have realised is that different manufacturers are experts on different sounds and the difference is huge!
No manufacturer today can compete with the piano sounds of Yamaha products. Yamaha makes the best sounding accoustic and electric pianos available today. Period.
The best available synth/keyboard accoustic pianos can be found in:
Yamaha P series (90, 120, 150, 250)
Yamaha PLG150 expansion card
Yamaha S-90
Best buy: Yamaha P90. It has extremely good accoustic piano sounds at an affordable price.
The best available synth/keyboard electric pianos can be found in:
Yamaha Tyros
No keyboard/synth can compete with Yamaha Tyros when it comes to electric paino sounds. They are many and they are great!
I can sum up Roland with two words: pads, organs. No keyboard manufacturer is as good as Roland in making warm and powerful pad sounds and rich organs. These are the best sounding keyboards/synths with pad and organ sounds:
Roland JV series
Roland XP series
Roland G-70
Best buy: Roland G-70. JV and XP sereis tend to have better pads than organs but the G-70 has both great pads and great organs! I think this is due to their knowledge earned with the VK series organs. It is expensive but I think Roland took a huge step forward with this arranger keyboard in particular with its organs.
Over the years Korg has improved the sound of their keyboards very much. The PA-1X has very high quality sounds that are valuable in any studio today, but Korg has always been the best manufacturer at creating sounds that don't simulate the real thing, except for two sound types: bass and drums. The Korg PA-1X has rich sounding bass and drum sounds. So Korg is best manufacturer of synth, bass and drum sounds.
Best buy: Korg PA-1X. I think the Korg PA-1X is the best sounding Korg keyboard/synth so far.
This is a manfucaturer that I think does all the different sounds good overall. It is great in a studio when you cannot find the sound you are looking for in the Yamaha, Korg and the Roland keyboards. It is something between a Yamaha and a Korg. It reminds me of Yamaha in the piano sounds and Korg in the synth sounds. It is very useful in a studio together with Korg in making modern digital music.
Best buy: Kurzweil K2661. It sums up all that Kurzweil has been good at in the latest years.
I can understand that you think the Tyros has difficulties in competing with the Korg PA-1X and the Roland G-70. I have a Yamaha Tyros and I am totally in love with it!
That's because I love electric piano sounds!
I also think the rest of its sounds are really good! However, Roland G-70 has better organ and pads and the Korg PA-1X has better bass sounds in particular. But when it comes to rich accoustic piano sounds you don't find it in any of these keyboards, you need either the Yamaha P series or the Yamaha S series.
If I would have money to spend in some keyboards I would buy the Yamaha S-90 and equip it with the great PLG150AP expansion board to get the best available piano sounds. I would also buy the Roland G-70 for the organs and the Kurzweil for the rest.
The reason why I would not choose to go with the Korg PA-1X is because the combination of these three keyboards can do the bass and drums equally good as the Korg PA-1X keyboard.
Best regards,
[This message has been edited by YamahaAndy (edited 03-12-2005).]