Originally posted by Catsailor:
Yes, Steve Demming is from Yamaha, but he obviously is not seeing or answering your post.
My guess is that Steve Deming is probably in Nashville at NAMM preparing for the opening on "Friday" and he will probably stay for the whole 3 day Run then fly back Sunday night so he can make it home in time to get back to the Salt Mines by Monday.
That's right "1" day and counting till Summer NAMM.
NOTE: Or Steve could be "hovering" over these posts and 'this' one in particular and gleefully laughing to himself at all our consternation, frustration and mind numbing answers to a "Simple" question.
I probably live closest of any of our SZ Members to Yamaha's Corporate Headquarters in California except maybe one. But I already called them over a year ago about this same question and they already gave me an answer!
You mean to say they already said it was a Balanced Stereo Input???
Yes,.... 'Donny'
I did... But I am only telling you what they told me.
Best regards,