Which version? Mark I is grey with faux LED graphics on the para. list(beside all the buttons) and the Mark II is black with more conventional graphics. I don't think the patches are compatible. The Mark II substitutes a digital delay line for the I's chorus. I have the Mark II factory patches as sysex. Sadly I have a manual for neither but if you've had other synths the panel tells most of the story. They are striking in that they are both additive and subtractive (square waves and lowpass filter only) and still can make a surprisingly varied bunch of noises.mn
On this page you can find a wave file containig the poly 800 mark I presets. You have to connect your computer to the tape load in and then play the wavefile. Loading patches with the tapeload function seems to be difficult, but you can find a lot of info on the net. On this site you can also find a MOD for putting knobs (resonance and cutoff) on your poly.