#166357 - 02/27/02 11:33 PM
Re: The Grammys
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 12800
Loc: Penn Yan, NY
Wow ! I gave the "post show" a chance, but it was even WORSE ! Man - TV is tired all of a sudden, but that Bian'ce looked mighty fine !  She took off a few lbs, I think. Pretty girl..... and what's UP with Alicia Keys EYES ? Someone dropped a whole bottle of glitter glue on her face ! And Madona's "moveable mole" was there too ! AMAZING ! Wish I was famous. . . . . . . .Tonite - I LOVE my life. [This message has been edited by Uncle Dave (edited 02-27-2002).]
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#166358 - 02/28/02 06:31 AM
Re: The Grammys
Registered: 11/09/01
Posts: 217
Loc: Westfield, Massachesetts, USA
OK, I'm sure I'll get creamed after these next few comments, but what the heck....The reason the Grammy's is getting harder to watch is there are less and less musicians there. I mean, look at the new" quote unquote" musicians or stars (lots of gas burning). Brittany spears? cmon, when she was a wee lass, somebody saw that look, that navel, and said, hey, somebody start writing grooves and throw in any words. That girl will make us millions. You can say the same for most of her generations entertainers. My musician test is, hand them an instrument, put them in front of an audience and say, entertain me. no effects, no band, just you the instrument and the mike (with clothes on). Most of the new talent wouldn't last 2 songs. No one has had to really write substantial quality music utilizing theory and all that stuff your piano and band teacher kept beating you over the knucles with....They get some basic grooves, cover it up with busy catchy phrases, noises, rythms and video it with as little clothes on as possible. Sorry Folks. I know times are different, and music is in the eye or ears of the beholder, but 90% of these folks can't tell you or show you on an instrument what a c minor is. They don't need to. The industry is all about $$$$ and sales these days. There's more junk per square CD than ever before. That's (J/CD)2. Thus, is it really suprising that the Grammy's are so awful and boring and lifeless and filled with crap.....Now, give me this forum's members on stage with PSR's and Korgs and Technics, and well you get the picture...now that's talent!!! that would hold any crowd....have fun with this one B2
#166361 - 02/28/02 12:04 PM
Re: The Grammys
Senior Member
Registered: 12/06/99
Posts: 2133
Loc: Muskegon, MI
I couldn't agree more with B2. Even my 24 year old, single, guitar playing son will say sarcasticly "Yeah and Brittany Spears is a singer". I look at the boy singing groups like the Backstreet Boys and such and ask "can these guys do anything but sing"? Take the Fab Four, the Stones, The Duke, Stevie Wonder, and all the truly great ones, they composed, played, and sang their music. I'm not trying to diminish the talent of singing but singers are a dime a dozen. Always have been. For every Ole Blue Eyes that has made it there are hundreds if not thousands of better singers out there who haven't. I enjoyed Frankie over the years but he always had a monster band with great arrangements making him sound even better.
I totally agree "hand them an instrument, put them in front of an audience and say, entertain me".
I do have to admit that being a male, (with very few molecules of testosterone left in this old body)that Brittany doesn't need an instrument.
Somebody please fill in Don down in Shreveport LA as to who Brittany is. He has led a very sheltered life. Don she authored the Encycloepdia Brittanyica.