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#166456 - 04/03/07 07:18 AM Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
TommyF Offline

Registered: 11/24/06
Posts: 648
Loc: Copenhagen, Denmark
Yamaha PSR-S770, Korg Krome 61

#166457 - 04/03/07 07:40 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
mikeathome1 Offline

Registered: 08/23/04
Posts: 1208
Loc: Syracuse NY
thanks Tommy
Tell Yamaha I'm ready when they are, I'll take one.

#166458 - 04/03/07 08:02 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Dnj Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 09/21/00
Posts: 43703
Thanx for the news break.....But

USB recorder.. but NO hard disc rec
same wattage on speakers Arggg!
128 poly thats better
Lyrics read is nice..
prob same Vocalizer too?
navagation button layout?

Not enough change vs the 3k for me to buy...
What a disappointment I was hoping for a bit more......Next!

Ps.....what was the purpose of the S line ? just a few SA voices ???

[This message has been edited by Dnj (edited 04-03-2007).]

#166459 - 04/03/07 08:27 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
TommyF Offline

Registered: 11/24/06
Posts: 648
Loc: Copenhagen, Denmark
Yes, it sounds more like a facelift for the PSR-3000 and not the mini Tyros 2 some of use were hoping. Yamaha is leaving a gaping hole in their product lineup. It will be interesting to see if the competition will fill it out.

Kind regards,
Yamaha PSR-S770, Korg Krome 61

#166460 - 04/03/07 08:34 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
F161 Offline

Registered: 01/20/07
Posts: 72
Loc: UK

90% sure I will be getting the S900 on launch here in the uk, just so long as the price is right

I can understand Dnj's disapointment as, on paper, it doesn't look to be a huge step-up from the 3000, but with the inclusion of the SA voices and new styles, I'm sure it will sound great.

Let's not forget that the 3000 is still a GREAT sounding arranger - even 3 years on.

#166461 - 04/03/07 08:47 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
ianmcnll Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Thanks for the heads up Tommy.

I have a PSR-S900 on order, and I'm sure I won't be disappointed.

I love the 3k's portability(and price), and I really only longed for the SA voices and more styles...looks like the answer has arrived.

If I was using my 3k primarily for SMF playback, I wouldn't bother trading up, but since I play "live" and rely on styles and right hand voices, the S900 would be the logical step up.


Common misconception...size and weight equal quality and performance. Don't be fooled.
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.

#166462 - 04/03/07 08:58 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
TommyF Offline

Registered: 11/24/06
Posts: 648
Loc: Copenhagen, Denmark
Several German music stores have already put the new keyboards in their online shops (with unknown delivery time). The prices are:

PSR-S900: EUR 1899,-
PSR-S700: EUR 1310,-
PSR-OR S700: EUR 1330,-

Note that these prices will probably be lower when the keyboards are actually released. And the prices also include german VAT (19%).

The PSR-OR S700 is an oriental version of the PSR-S700. It has:

43 oriental sounds
168 normal and 146 oriental styles
6 oriental drum kits
Oriental scale tuning

See for yourself at:

Kind regards,
Yamaha PSR-S770, Korg Krome 61

#166463 - 04/03/07 09:46 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Beakybird Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/27/01
Posts: 2227
I am very disappointed. You would think that after waiting three years for a new model - more than three years if this comes out in the fall in the USA - that Yamaha would add more technology.

What's missing? It looks like we'll have the same crappy harmonizer. This is 2007, and the technology has existed for some time to create decent sounding harmonies.

The PSR3000 has two storage capabilities: Smart Media and USB. The PSR S900 will only have one USB slot. There is no information on how much storage there is in the internal flash drive. If the PSR S900 has the same limited flash memory that the PSR3000 has, and since it won't have a flash media drive, we will have to stick a USB drive into the keyboard before every show. You forget your USB drive, and you can forget a decent performance.

The PSR3000 had aux out. The PSR S900 does not have aux out. That sucks.

Same speakers. That's a disappointment. Even though the ones on the PSR3000 are half-way decent, they should have upgraded.

It seems like in all appliances, from cell phones to mp3 players to televisions, they are, in an astounding way, squeezing more and more technology in at a lower price point. But with Yamaha keyboards, we are having to wait three years to get an extremely modest increment for the same price. They are even taking away features!!

Not that many extra voices! The PSR3000 was quite a lot closer to the Tyros than this is to the Tyros 2.

There is no additional footswitch capability. That is a disappointment.

And Yamaha has been pretty measley about providing new styles for their midline keyboards. They give you this IDC capability, but they don't give you anything to buy. If I hadn't converted styles from Tyros I % II, and if I hadn't received additional offerings for Tyros II, I would be high and dry.

This keyboard is leaving me just that - high and dry. If I weren't a vegetarian, I would be saying, "Where's the beef?"

Now, I will want to know if they took away any more essential functions. Did they give us back the vocal harmonizer on/off switch, effects on/off switch, and voice harmony on/off switch - all of which were on the PSR2000 and glaringly missing from the PSR3000?

If it had been a two year wait, this would be ok, but after three years, this is very disillusioning.


#166464 - 04/03/07 09:56 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Dnj Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 09/21/00
Posts: 43703
Originally posted by F161:

Let's not forget that the 3000 is still a GREAT sounding arranger - even 3 years on.


#166465 - 04/03/07 10:29 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
shakeel Ahmed Offline

Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 141
Loc: gujranwala,punjab,Pakistan
Me too, very much disapointed.YAMAHA did a joke to our emotions.Now surly i will go for Pa800 or Audiya.

#166466 - 04/03/07 11:16 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Dnj Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 09/21/00
Posts: 43703
Originally posted by shakeel Ahmed:
Me too, very much disapointed.YAMAHA did a joke to our emotions.Now surly i will go for Pa800 or Audiya.

Exactly Ketron is on the right track in so many ways for our needs....We look forward to meeting up with AJ again very soon for a Audya demo.........or look at it this way 3k prices will drop a bit when people start buying a S900

#166467 - 04/03/07 11:19 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Stephenm52 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 04/13/05
Posts: 5126
Loc: USA
Not that I'm in the market to replace my T2, but the 3k replacement is very disappointing. Not sure of the conversion rate of euros to dollars but I'm guessing that would put the S900 with a list price of about $2500. Hmmm, PA 800 looks like a better choice in that general price range.

[This message has been edited by Stephenm52 (edited 04-03-2007).]

#166468 - 04/03/07 11:31 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
TommyF Offline

Registered: 11/24/06
Posts: 648
Loc: Copenhagen, Denmark

The German prices are probably mostly of interest to the European members here at Synthzone. My experience with musical instrument prices is that there is very little correlation between US and European prices - they are totally different markets. However I think it is safe to expect the PSR-S900 to be at the same price level as the PSR-3000 - maybe a little more expensive in the first couple of months until the last PSR-3000 has been sold.

Kind regards,

[This message has been edited by TommyF (edited 04-03-2007).]
Yamaha PSR-S770, Korg Krome 61

#166469 - 04/03/07 01:52 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
FAEbGBD Offline

Registered: 03/20/01
Posts: 847
Loc: Nashvville TN
Where are you reading the specs? The link I see posted here is in another language. And the JPG links don't help at all in my case. Are the specs posted as an image or graphic text rather than normal text that my screenreader can recognize?

#166470 - 04/03/07 02:58 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Diki Online   content

Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14375
Loc: NW Florida
The specs are a jpg of the real specs. Something any browser should display....
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!

#166471 - 04/03/07 04:46 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Nick G Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 11/16/05
Posts: 1118
Loc: Sydney, NSW, Australia
does any one know if the style list has been released yet for the S900??? surely it must have new styles that are not on the T2...
Roland G70 / Roland BK9 / Roland GW8-L / Yamaha Motif XS / Technics KN6500

#166472 - 04/03/07 05:03 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Beakybird Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/27/01
Posts: 2227
What exactly is new on the PSR S900 over the PSR3000?

5 more Mega voices
23 more super articulation voices
8 more Sweet Voices
8 more Cool Voices
1 more Live Voice
2 more drum voices

Extra polyphany.

No aux out like the PSR3000
No smart media slot like the PSR3000

It is extremely measley improvement given that Yamaha had three years to develop this keyboard. There are going to be a lot of styles - 95% of which are probably already on the Tyros II. So we'll get maybe 15 new styles - those of us who already have the Tyros II styles.


#166473 - 04/03/07 05:37 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
FAEbGBD Offline

Registered: 03/20/01
Posts: 847
Loc: Nashvville TN
thanks for this info Beakybird.
The problem with JPG specs is that it is a picture of text, not real text, so my voice synthesizer doesn't know it is text. It sees it as a picture only.

#166474 - 04/03/07 05:49 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
mikeathome1 Offline

Registered: 08/23/04
Posts: 1208
Loc: Syracuse NY
So let's say the s900 sells for the same price as a 3000 is now, what would be a better alternative for the money. Unless of course the 3000 becomes greatly reduced in price. I agree if I owned a 3000 I don't think there is enough there to make me upgrade but what else is available in that price range. I don't have a keyboard now because I've been waiting for the new replacement.

#166475 - 04/03/07 06:07 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
squeak_D Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 10/08/00
Posts: 4715
Loc: West Virginia
Anyone ever stop to think that Yammie and the other's holding back on the technology is for a reason?

Keyboard's aren't built to last anymore. They're built as "disposable items". Yammie and other makers hold back on the technology because if they didn't who'd buy the upgrades? They all tease you with little improvements here and there, but hold just a bit for the future sales of the upgrade.

I agree 3 years in the making, the S900 could have "A LOT MORE" for a reasonable price, but if they did that who'd buy the S910, S920, and so on????

The HD would be a nice feature in the S900, but keep in mind they've added some SA voices to the new model. These SA voices alone were a HUGE marketing campaign for Yamaha with the Tyros II. You don't need a marketing degree to see adding all those features bringing the S900 closer to the Tyros II could hurt sales of Yammie flagship model.

It's like Roland shooting themselves in the foot by releasing the Juno-G while the Fantom Xa is still being sold. Those two boards are pretty darn close on the feature list.

GEAR: Yamaha MOXF-6, Casio MZX-500, Roland Juno-Di, M-Audio Venom, Roland RS-70, Yamaha PSR S700, M-Audio Axiom Pro-61 (Midi Controller). SOFTWARE: Mixcraft-7, PowerTracks Pro Audio 2013, Beat Thang Virtual, Dimension Le.

#166476 - 04/03/07 07:13 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Nick G Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 11/16/05
Posts: 1118
Loc: Sydney, NSW, Australia
The PSR 3000 has an outstanding sound no matter what price it is.

its main weaknesses in comparison to the higher priced boards are Drums, Acoustic Nylon Guitars and Brass...

to have those extra mega voices (Sax, brass, trumpet, strings, Nylon Guitar) alone would be a MASSIVE improvement... the fact it ha SA voices is also a big jump.

I think the S900 will be a great jump over the PSR 3000... keyboard features are pretty much all there, its just the sound quality that needs improvement and I am sure the S900's sound quality will smash the PSR 3k...

in a lower priced keyboard (S900) honestly what do you expect? Hard disk recorder, bigger speakers... you cant everything and never will.
Roland G70 / Roland BK9 / Roland GW8-L / Yamaha Motif XS / Technics KN6500

#166477 - 04/03/07 07:17 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Nick G Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 11/16/05
Posts: 1118
Loc: Sydney, NSW, Australia
And just to add to that, there will always be value in purchasing a T2 over the S900.. the better keyboard feel, ability to layer 3 voices, better DSPs and over sound engine is still again worth the extra cost... it was definitely worth the jump from the PSR3k to the T2
Roland G70 / Roland BK9 / Roland GW8-L / Yamaha Motif XS / Technics KN6500

#166478 - 04/03/07 08:25 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Beakybird Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/27/01
Posts: 2227
I acknowledge that the main thing to improve upon is the voices. 47 new voices + 2 new drums is not that much improvement for three years.

Look at all you get in a cell phone now that you couldn't get three years ago.

Look at all you get in software voices. There has been an explosion in new technology - in voice technology, speaker design, key design, display technology, etc., and Yamaha is not taking advantage of it with this keyboard. It is indeed a facelift on the PSR3000, kind of what the PSR2100 was to the PSR2000 - a few extra voices and that was it.

And are there any new features? Any new buttons, capabilities? Probably not.


#166479 - 04/03/07 09:28 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Diki Online   content

Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14375
Loc: NW Florida
I'm not sure ANYTHING in these price ranges should be considered 'disposable'! It's one of the reasons I'm prepared to put up with a bit extra weight - durability.

At these prices and above (especially the T2 and G70/E80) you can buy a passable upright piano, that with care will last your entire lifetime. For this kind of money, I expect a keyboard whose switches, keys and internal components will last at least as long (or well over a decade to be realistic). Unfortunately, component life seems to be one of the things that mid-priced (and sometimes TOTL) are prepared to compromise on.

I don't like changing my gear very often (unlike some here!), got 8 years out of the G1000, hope to get that long out of the G70 (unless they add a chord sequencer to its' successor!), and good quality switches, LEDs, displays and keys are needed to stop it being 'disposable'. Nothing worse than HAVING to get another arranger 'cause the old one died... (trade-in on my old G1000 saved me over a grand on the G70)

But, all that aside, those SA voices (especially if they've been 'tweaked' a bit more now they've been used a while) certainly make the new S900 worth it for all other than those already wedded to a 3K. For them to upgrade, I guess a used T2 might be the appropriate step up, although there ARE some here who downgraded to the 3K for some reason (?)......

Me, I think I'm going to wait and see if Yamaha will do a rack module MotifXS, and add the SA to my Roland rig (especially as Yamaha STILL don't consider that any arranger player could WANT 76 keys!)
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!

#166480 - 04/04/07 06:03 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
travlin'easy Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 12/08/02
Posts: 15578
Loc: Forest Hill, MD USA
From my perspective, the S-900 specifications don't make me want to jump in the van and drive to the nearest retailer and buy a pair of them. (I always buy keyboards in pairs.) For now, I'll wait till one shows up within 100 miles, then I'll sit down with it for an hour or so, let my ears be the judge and then make a decission.

Currently, those 3000s have so much to offer that it would be difficult to part with them. Over the years I've been able to tweek and tune the keyboards, added hundreds of incredible third party styles, created some fantastic voices, and I still have only scratched the surface of what this keyboard has to offer.

I would miss that Smart Media Card, which in my case is used similar to a hard drive. I would also miss the auxiliary output and a few other features that seemed to have went by the wayside. As for the SA voices, I'm really not sure how they can be effectively used in live situations, but I'm sure they would be great for studio work.

As for keyboards being disposable--NAH! A $1,500 item is not a disposable keyboard. Of course, I'm against disposable anything. I've always considered that throwing something away for the sake of convenience is just plain stupid. Some folks have a lot more money than brains I guess, and for those individuals cars, homes and people fall into the disposable category as well.



Travlin' Easy
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!

K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)

#166481 - 04/04/07 06:15 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Nick G Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 11/16/05
Posts: 1118
Loc: Sydney, NSW, Australia
I believe SA voices are more to be used for solo leads...

for OMB performers who sing the lead instead of play them using a guitar or sax voice wouldn't really require the SA voices.

to be honest when you are using an arranger keyboard in a live situation and you are singing, mostly you are just changing sustained chords and playing a few fill ins to compliment your voice. thats why solo voices aren't always essential... IMO

thats just why i think some people might not care about the fact that the S900 has SA voices...

Roland G70 / Roland BK9 / Roland GW8-L / Yamaha Motif XS / Technics KN6500

#166482 - 04/04/07 06:22 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
squeak_D Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 10/08/00
Posts: 4715
Loc: West Virginia
We may not want to accept that our keyboards are "disposable", but they are They're made with cheaper parts, not lasting as long as they should, parts breaking down way before their time. It's a sign of the times.

If you follow other forums and read the complaints about keyboards now there are some issues out there concerning build quality with ALL the makers. It's the "build them as cheap as you can and charge as much as you can" mentallity that's at the root of it all.

Hell even our expensive kitchen appliances are considered "disposable" now. Remember when a water heater lasted you 15-20 years? Not any more, their average life span now is 10-12 years. I was lucky and bought a house that had one of those 20 year water heaters (of course I was 18 1/2 years too late)
GEAR: Yamaha MOXF-6, Casio MZX-500, Roland Juno-Di, M-Audio Venom, Roland RS-70, Yamaha PSR S700, M-Audio Axiom Pro-61 (Midi Controller). SOFTWARE: Mixcraft-7, PowerTracks Pro Audio 2013, Beat Thang Virtual, Dimension Le.

#166483 - 04/04/07 06:45 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
ianmcnll Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
All my playing is instrumental vocals.

Great solo voices are essential to are built in speakers(convenient for set up at home)and a light weight/size( I use a small car for gear).

I LOVED the SA voices on the Tyros2...the Sax and guitars were especially awesome.

What I did not love was the price and the weight/size...the fiddly(and poor quality) add on speakers were not favorites, either.

The 3k is perfect for MY needs...the PSR-S900 sounds even more perfect.

A new keyboard with fresh sounds and styles always gives me a musical lift...and that gets passed on to my audience.

I realize there were some features removed...they weren't that important to me, although they will matter to others.

BUT, if removing those features allowed the addition of the new SA voices and still kept the price the same as the 3k, then I'm all for it.


Common misconception...size and weight equal quality and performance. Don't be fooled.
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.

#166484 - 04/04/07 06:46 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
mikeathome1 Offline

Registered: 08/23/04
Posts: 1208
Loc: Syracuse NY
How's that song go they can build a beer can that will last forever in a landfill but can't build a car to last 10 years. It's marketing repeat customers planned obsolescence.
I think a lot of people shop for price, do you want to pay 500 more for a better built keyboard with all the same features, especially since you know it will be obsolete in 5 to 10 years at best.

#166485 - 04/04/07 07:04 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
squeak_D Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 10/08/00
Posts: 4715
Loc: West Virginia
I'd pay more for a better built keyboard. Especially if ALL the makers got their shi@#t together and realized that the future in keyboards is "open source units". Sure.., give me a $3000 unit built like a freakin tank The unit becomes obsolete only if the makers idea of an upgrade costs $3000 and more.

All these so called "major" advances in the keyboards aren't really so major. They are years behind what they could be doing. The advances are coming primarily in "software related" items for the keyboard. HD's in keyboards isn't anything new either.

The Mediastation is an excellent example here as well.... Sure the styles may be a thing in question by users, but the concept is one of the most logical things in today's market. Give the buyer a great unit, good "shell", and have an open source unit. What's the biggest thing you hear with the new arrangers. It's all sounds and styles. Not much really changes in "hardware". Open source units let you upgrade at a fraction of the cost. Would weight always be an issue for some when the new models come out if you can keep your current model and just upgrade the

Seriously think about it. Look at the keyboards that have USB drives now. Is that NEW technology? Nope the keyboard makers could have added those a long time ago. They don't for "marketing purposes". Even though the technology has been out for a while, it's those little things like USB slots to hook buyers.

Look at the SA voices... I think some of them sound great. The saxes make me wet my pants every time I hear them. However, is that NEW technoloy? Hell No! That's just another use of "velocity switching". Guitars for example are now triggering say a finger slide instead of just "changing the sound" when the velocity curve is reached. Velocity switching has been around for years. They just repackage the old, slap a new lable on it, and market the hell out of it Then they hold back on adding technology that's been out and used for years to ensure the sales of the upgrade models. That's just business in Today's World.... It has always been "green", but there was a time when "more money often meant better quality".

How's this for an example: Would you rather buy a Rolls Royce when it was "built by hand", and took months to build and deliver (knowing each hand built Rolls was of top quality), or spend MORE money for a Rolls built today on an assembly line (which is how they're done now... Damn BMW buyout)

I'm not saying build every keyboard by hand, but "quality control" sure as hell went out the window a long time ago. (Cough, Cough.., ALESIS)


[This message has been edited by squeak_D (edited 04-04-2007).]
GEAR: Yamaha MOXF-6, Casio MZX-500, Roland Juno-Di, M-Audio Venom, Roland RS-70, Yamaha PSR S700, M-Audio Axiom Pro-61 (Midi Controller). SOFTWARE: Mixcraft-7, PowerTracks Pro Audio 2013, Beat Thang Virtual, Dimension Le.

#166486 - 04/04/07 07:48 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
abacus Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 07/21/05
Posts: 5426
Loc: English Riviera, UK
I think the main reason that main manufactures steer clear of making software arrangers (At least at the moment) is that people tend to run a mile when they hear the words computer, software etc, even though bespoke computers and software are built into virtually every piece of electrical equipment on the market.
One thing I will say though is that once you have had an open keyboard, it would be very difficult to go back to the limitations of a Hardware board. (I know I would have great difficulty)
Times however are changing, so who knows what the future brings, except perhaps that 10 yrs from now I will probably still be playing my Abacus. (Although give it another 2-3 yrs when the Mediastation has matured I may be tempted away from Wersi, But then again in 2-3 yrs the Wersi will also have advanced, so we will have to wait and see)
Enjoy whatever you play

English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).

#166487 - 04/04/07 10:06 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
F161 Offline

Registered: 01/20/07
Posts: 72
Loc: UK
I'm with Ian on this one. I kept my expectations for the S900 in check, and the basic specs that have so far been released has met (and slightly exceeded) those expectations.

It's hard to improve on already great sounding technology - I loved my PSR3000, and as I already mentioned, it's a cracking keyboard - even by today’s standards.

For me, the ultimate test on how 'great' a keyboard is, is the quality of the voices. Obviously things like keyboard feel, poly, features and usability also play a big factor - no doubt about it, but for me personally the sound quality is the most important thing.

I can fully appreciate that other members here were expecting more from the S900 for the 3 years that it has been in development, and they are quite right to do so, but until we actually hear some live demos we might just find that it has more in common with the T2 (from a sound standpoint) than the initial specs seem to suggest.

Even if it turns out to be simply a 3000 with 23 new SA voices and new styles, then that's still ok by me - that's all I was expecting and hoping for

Also, lets remember that the S900 will be the same(ish) price as the 3000 currently retails for. It's ultimately a mid-range keyboard and Yamaha have to save the big features for their top-end Tyros range, otherwise nobody would invest in a T2 if the S900 had all/most of the same specs. It's about striking a balance between the low, mid and top ranges, and for me Yamaha has done this.

Just seen that one of the largest online UK retailers have the S900 on their site for £1080 - just £80 more than the 3000 currently sells for:

Not bad at all, and less than half the price of a T2. I'm now sold, and will be getting an S900 in July


[This message has been edited by F161 (edited 04-04-2007).]

#166488 - 04/04/07 10:12 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Dnj Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 09/21/00
Posts: 43703
Good Luck with your S900.....please post demo songs for us & your thoughts asap too!

#166489 - 04/04/07 10:29 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Diki Online   content

Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14375
Loc: NW Florida
squeak.... I think you have missed the most important aspect of SA voicing, the thing that DOES make it revolutionary. Yes, some of the SA 'tricks' are done with velocity switching, and you are right, old hat. BUT.... the thing that REALLY makes the horn samples shine is the ability to trigger tongued/legato samples depending on how you play. NOT velocity based.

It is a very similar concept (although the means of deriving it are totally different) to the 'percussion' part of a Hammond, where the percussion only plays at the beginning of a phrase, and doesn't reappear until you lift your fingers off the keyboard completely. So the T2 (and now the S900 and the new MotifXS) are capable of phrasing lines with FAR more expression than before, and also tie it to a technique (legato/staccato) that all keyboard players already know and understand. It truly IS revolutionary....

Now horn or string lines are just the beginning... For you, especially, here is a way with samples to get close to the minimoog-type envelope triggering on synth sounds, but polyphonically, too. The possibilities are just beginning to be apparent. Even Yamaha have only started to realize what this can do (the MotifXS's SA voices are FAR more customizable and flexible than the T2's).

What Yamaha have managed to do is to give us another layer of control, WITHOUT tying it to a non-standard performance technique. This is, I believe, one of Yamaha's traditional strengths. Rather than put this control on footswitches, or 'hot keys' like some GIGA type sounds do, Yamaha just worked out how to let the machine recognize what you are already playing, and turn it into useful sound control. No hoops to jump through.

I can only hope the rest of the synth and arranger world jumps all over this technology. It is the first truly new way to 'play' samples since the Emulator came out.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!

#166490 - 04/04/07 10:32 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
F161 Offline

Registered: 01/20/07
Posts: 72
Loc: UK
Originally posted by Dnj:
Good Luck with your S900.....please post demo songs for us & your thoughts asap too!

Will do Dnj I've just emailed the retailer in the UK to see if I can secure the S900 from their first batch in July. Fingers crossed!

I was holding out on the price confirmation before making my decision (and a big thumbs up to Ian for being spot on here). If it was going to be much more than the 3000 retails for then I was going to 'go for it' and get a T2. But now I have confirmation on the price, it just seems to be the right decision for me all round. I know I've made this decision prior to actually hearing the S900 in action, but I have total faith in Yamaha's ability in this department.

I was also tempted to hold out and see what was in store for us with the new Ketron, but I can imagine that one may be in the same price range as the T2, plus I need a new arranger asap as I sold my 3000 a couple of months back.


#166491 - 04/04/07 02:58 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
abacus Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 07/21/05
Posts: 5426
Loc: English Riviera, UK
Hi James
If you are anywhere near Blackpool, on the 11-18 May is the Blackpool keyboard Festival which this year has open days (for non festival residents) on the Sunday and Wednesday, and as the S900 will most likely be on show you will be able to try it, also they normally do special deals for those who attend or visit the Festival.
It may also be shown at the Pakefield Festival in a couple of weeks, so SZ members who are going will be able to give you a first hand report.

English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).

#166492 - 04/04/07 08:50 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
MarcK Offline

Registered: 07/27/01
Posts: 205
I agree that Yamaha did not make the S900 as great as it could be. But remember, they are in a business to maximize profit and without a doubt they are trying to strike a balance between making their customers as happy as possible while at the same time offering as little as possible over the competition at the same price point. They will never release the "perfect" keyboard, because there is no need to, and it would be difficult to keep users in the upgrade cycle.

In any event, it is my personal opinion that Yamaha's product cycle makes it ideal to upgrade only with every OTHER release. For instance, I owned a PSR-630, skipped the 640/740, then upgraded to a PSR-2000, skipped the 2100, and now use a 3000, which I intend to use until the S900's replacement arrives. These keyboards are complex, sophisticated machines and it can take many months just to become familiar with the voices and styles and proficient with the functions and operations. In fact, I've had my PSR-3000 for about a year now and truly I still haven't gotten a clear "mind map" of all the styles and voices as I had with the PSR-2000 after owning it for several years. I think upgrading with every new release is not the best idea because you have to learn twice as many new keyboards, it is more costly, and truth be told the differences between one model and the immediate successor are usually not all that major.

#166493 - 04/05/07 08:39 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
F161 Offline

Registered: 01/20/07
Posts: 72
Loc: UK
Originally posted by abacus:
Hi James
If you are anywhere near Blackpool, on the 11-18 May is the Blackpool keyboard Festival which this year has open days (for non festival residents) on the Sunday and Wednesday, and as the S900 will most likely be on show you will be able to try it, also they normally do special deals for those who attend or visit the Festival.
It may also be shown at the Pakefield Festival in a couple of weeks, so SZ members who are going will be able to give you a first hand report.


Hi Bill - many thanks for the heads-up. I have that week off of work, so I may just take a trip to Blackpool and check it out


#166494 - 04/05/07 03:27 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Diki Online   content

Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14375
Loc: NW Florida
The thing is, until Yamaha raise the bar even higher with a T3, and newer, better capabilities, raising the bar TOO high on their mid-line arrangers is only going to scavenge sales of their TOTL arranger... Not something I think they want to do.

Wait until there's a T3, and I guarantee the NEXT mid-line PSR will be closer to T2 capabilities.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!

#166495 - 04/05/07 04:57 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
miden Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/31/06
Posts: 3354
Loc: The World
best part about the 900 release is it will mean i can afford a 3000...because it will probably drop in price as yamaha attempt to clear the warehouse, or a trade-in on the new model will become available...and if that doesn't happen then the e50 (with guitar mode as well!!) will be next in line

#166496 - 04/05/07 05:19 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
zuki Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 09/20/02
Posts: 4724
Originally posted by MarcK:
These keyboards are complex, sophisticated machines and it can take many months just to become familiar with the voices and styles and proficient with the functions and operations.


I think you have articulated this well and I agree 100%. It takes ample time to find out the wonders of the product.

Live: Korg PA4X/EV Everse 8s/Senn 935/K&M stand

Studio: Korg PA4X/Yamaha DGX670/Nord 6D73/Boss BR900CD/Tascam DP24SD/MTM Iloud/Sony C80/AGK 214/ATEM Mini Pro switcher/K&M stand

#166497 - 04/05/07 05:26 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
zuki Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 09/20/02
Posts: 4724
Originally posted by miden:
[B]best part about the 900 release is it will mean i can afford a 3000...B

Will be a happy day for you because the 3000 is "good enough" IMO.

Live: Korg PA4X/EV Everse 8s/Senn 935/K&M stand

Studio: Korg PA4X/Yamaha DGX670/Nord 6D73/Boss BR900CD/Tascam DP24SD/MTM Iloud/Sony C80/AGK 214/ATEM Mini Pro switcher/K&M stand

#166498 - 04/06/07 06:55 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
travlin'easy Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 12/08/02
Posts: 15578
Loc: Forest Hill, MD USA
After re-reading all the comments on this post, both positive and negative, I took a few minutes to reflect on my experiences with Yamaha keyboards. Over the years I have yet to be dissapointed with any of the Yammies I've purchased--not a single one beginning with the PSR-500. I cannot say this about some of the other brands I have owned, even those touted as high-end boards. I'm sure a small fraction of those who will be purchasing the PSR-S900 in the near future will have something negative to say about the keyboard, but you can bet your bottom dollar that there will be a huge number of very satisfied individuals that will really have fun with the S900 as well. I'm equally confident that there will be loads of questions about the keyboard's newer features and operating system, and hopefully there will be a few folks that will take the time to explore all the possibilities the S900 has to offer.



Travlin' Easy
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!

K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)

#166499 - 04/06/07 07:10 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Beakybird Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/27/01
Posts: 2227
Look, I'm not a whiner.

When the PSR3000 came out, I was raving. I did complain quite a lot about the absence of Vocal Harmonizer on/off, Effect on/off, and Voice Harmony on/off switches. The absence of these switches makes my job as an entertainer more difficult - plain and simple.

When the PSR2100 came out, one year after the PSR2000 came out, I complained. There was essentially no difference between the two keyboards. There were maybe 20 new voices and that was that. Furthermore, they didn't incorporate the new voices into the old styles - only the 10 new styles that came with the keyboard. The PSR2100 was a lame improvement.

I'm sorry, but with the explosion in new technology, the PSR S900 is a lame improvement. They didn't even fully incorporate technology that is two years old - the voices that are on the Tyros II. They didn't even add the drums that are on Tyros I. They apparently didn't add any new features. They are pretty much saying that the development of the arranger keyboard is over - just add a few voices. Keep the buttons the same, take away a few inputs. Same speakers, same vocalizer, same display, same buttons. Just change the look a bit and add a few extra voices and charge the same money.

Are they doing that with cell phones? Are they doing that with MP3 players? Are they doing that with Tv's? Are they doing that with satelite radios?

Sure the PSR S900 will be a great sounding keyboard. My clients are impressed by the PSR3000. But I expected some innovation and more inclusion of old technology.


#166500 - 04/06/07 07:45 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
squeak_D Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 10/08/00
Posts: 4715
Loc: West Virginia
I couldn't agree with you more Beakybird! You made some very good points. I will say this though. I tried the PSR-3000 and it wasn't for me. Two things I absolutely hate about the current PSR models is 1: The cheap "painted plastic buttons" 2: The cheap pitch and mod wheel they've been using for YEARS and refuse to change.

Looking at the S900 it makes me wonder if they went back to the rubber buttons. Plus I see they're NOT painted either. I do however see they still use a the poor pitch and mod wheels. I never thought I'd see the day that a Casio would have a better set of wheels than the upper mid range arrangers from Yamaha.

GEAR: Yamaha MOXF-6, Casio MZX-500, Roland Juno-Di, M-Audio Venom, Roland RS-70, Yamaha PSR S700, M-Audio Axiom Pro-61 (Midi Controller). SOFTWARE: Mixcraft-7, PowerTracks Pro Audio 2013, Beat Thang Virtual, Dimension Le.

#166501 - 04/06/07 08:29 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Dnj Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 09/21/00
Posts: 43703
Miden....I dont agree the 3k will hold its own ...because even though the s900 is new it only sports a FEW minor upgrades vs the 3k & IMO people will hold on to their 3k's longer in a big disappointment pattern until the air clears & Yammy releases something totally upgraded from either T2 or 3k....Im still bewildered on what was Yammys purse for releasing the S900/S700/S500 line? With everyone else on their heels I think they blew a very good chance to leap ahead of the competition big time.

#166502 - 04/06/07 08:38 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Dnj Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 09/21/00
Posts: 43703
Beaky....I feel your pain...although the 3k has been doing its job in the trenches for so many for the last few years ...I feel we might have to wait at least 3 or 4 more years before we see some real upgrades & beyond belief improvements vs years past when we could hope for new models every 1 or 2 technology keeps advancing the harder it s & the longer it lasts on the market in sales which trickles down to us pros ending up with units longer then we're used to, but that's not a bad thing if your pleased with the sound & styles & can work with the unit & just have to be patient with the flow of manufacturers progress in production speed......its a big game we been playing since its inception....make music happy, make people happy, be patient, look at the whole picture, & have fun out there.....meanwhile the good part is we have the future to look forward to

[This message has been edited by Dnj (edited 04-06-2007).]

#166503 - 04/06/07 10:23 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
MarcK Offline

Registered: 07/27/01
Posts: 205
Originally posted by Diki:
The thing is, until Yamaha raise the bar even higher with a T3, and newer, better capabilities, raising the bar TOO high on their mid-line arrangers is only going to scavenge sales of their TOTL arranger... Not something I think they want to do.

Wait until there's a T3, and I guarantee the NEXT mid-line PSR will be closer to T2 capabilities.

Well sure, but by then everyone will be whining about it not being just like the's like saying that the PSR-3000 was closer to the Tyros I than the PSR-2100 was..... (IIRC the T1 was out before the 2100?)

#166504 - 04/06/07 12:33 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
miden Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/31/06
Posts: 3354
Loc: The World
yes dnj, you are probably right...i guess the e50 is looking better and better, from a price perspective..out here its a little less than the current street price of a used i was hoping that would change but the point you make is true, at least judging from the comments on this forum, so far.

#166505 - 04/06/07 01:07 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
ianmcnll Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
I should have a PSR-S900 in the near future, but since everyone seems to know all about this instrument(all without playing, or even hearing it) there won't be any point or need to post anything about it.

Seems to be a lot of psychics around this place.


Common misconception...size and weight equal quality and performance. Don't be fooled.

[This message has been edited by ianmcnll (edited 04-06-2007).]
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.

#166506 - 04/06/07 01:09 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Dnj Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 09/21/00
Posts: 43703
miden....before you purchase sit down & really think and write down YOUR personal needs for a arranger KB....after research all you can on the Internet, email other users & get opinions, listen to demos & watch videos if possible, then go out and do all you can even if it means talking a day trip to do so to find them and play them yourself before you make a is not always the best...there are many great deals on used units out there also where you can get more then you thought!

Good Luck

#166507 - 04/06/07 03:14 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
travlin'easy Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 12/08/02
Posts: 15578
Loc: Forest Hill, MD USA
Like I said earlier, when a PSR-S900 shows up within 100 or so miles of my home I'll hop in the van and let my ears and fingers be the judge of whether or not it's that much better than the 3000. There is only so much you can garner from the specifications--the final decission must still depend upon what your ears hear, what your eyes see, and what your fingers feel. Until then, it's just a guessing game. If you don't believe this is the case, there were a huge number of individuals that said "there was no way you could perform using those tiny speakers that logitech makes for computers and home theaters." Whoops! Same statements were made about the Bose L1 (PAS)--those tiny speakers just can't provide enough sound to please audiences. I guess some folks are just pleased a lot easier than others.



Travlin' Easy
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!

K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)

#166508 - 04/06/07 04:01 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
mikeathome1 Offline

Registered: 08/23/04
Posts: 1208
Loc: Syracuse NY
I think the text viewer and the usb recorder could be a huge step forward. Record all your performances, play wav files, lead sheets. Could leave the laptop home.

I was impressed with the video demo of the s500 so if the 900 holds true to that.
But like Gary said we're all just guessing.

#166509 - 04/06/07 04:45 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Diki Online   content

Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14375
Loc: NW Florida
Originally posted by MarcK:

Well sure, but by then everyone will be whining about it not being just like the's like saying that the PSR-3000 was closer to the Tyros I than the PSR-2100 was..... [/QUOTE]

Only the completely deluded are expecting Yamaha to make a $1500 arranger with most of the capabilities of their $4000 arranger. Once their $4000 arranger has capabilities far beyond current specs, THEN we'll see the mid-line get current TOTL features. Yamaha ARE trying to make a profit..... and they really don't seem to like adding new capabilities to existing models to ease the pain, unlike Korg and Roland (et al).

I still think that the SA voices (especially if they include the guitars and saxes) more than compensate for other, missing TOTL features. They really are THAT good.... (if you can learn to 'play' them).
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!

#166510 - 04/06/07 04:57 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
TwoNuts Offline

Registered: 05/02/02
Posts: 430
Loc: Vancouver, Washington. USA
Originally posted by Diki:

I still think that the SA voices (especially if they include the guitars and saxes) more than compensate for other, missing TOTL features. They really are THAT good.... (if you can learn to 'play' them).

I Agree 100%


Dennis L. Almond

Dennis L. Almond

#166511 - 04/06/07 05:50 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
rikkisbears Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi Miden,
are you still looking for a keyboard?
If you're considering a Roland, I've noticed an occasional VA7 pop up on local ebay. There's one going at the moment, also a G800 ( they're a bit long in the tooth by now). Even noticed a Ketron X1.

If you after something better quality I'll sell you my Ketron SD1+ haa haa.

Seriously though, at the moment I'm happy with my psr1500, I do like the Yammie styles. I bought it as an interim between deciding whether to get a T2 or the PSR3000 replacement. Figured I'd lose less in resale buying the 1500 rather than the PSR3k.

Before you dash out and buy a Roland, make sure you like the styles, I had a VA7 for a while, unfortunately the KN7 came out shortly after me purchasing the VA7 from a friend, the Va7 sat in the corner for months, virtually unused.

You may find the occasional PSR3k pop up on ebay, even though pro's may be reluctant to upgrade to the new s900 from the 3k , crazy hobbyists like myself tend to upgrade whether there's a huge difference in features or not, we just like to have the latest.

best wishes

Originally posted by miden:
yes dnj, you are probably right...i guess the e50 is looking better and better, from a price perspective..out here its a little less than the current street price of a used i was hoping that would change but the point you make is true, at least judging from the comments on this forum, so far.
best wishes
Rikki 🧸

Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022

#166512 - 04/06/07 06:18 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Beakybird Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/27/01
Posts: 2227
Even though I'm unhappy with the sparse improvements on the PSR S900, I will be purchasing two of them.

I make my living performing. This is how I support my family. The two PSR3000s that I own are getting a lot of wear and tear. They'll be three years old.

So first, I cannot afford to have a keyboard fail on an important job. A newer keyboard is less likely to fail. Right now, I have a PSR3000 in the shop because one of the style variation buttons is failing.

Second, I am competing against a lot of great performers here in the Chicago area. If the PSR S900 will bring me any edge that can translate into $$, then it's a necessary investment.

I had decided against getting the Tyros II because it is 1) too expensive and 2) doesn't have onboard monitors.

The reason I am going to buy two PSR S900s is that I need to have one in my office/studio and one in the trunk of my car. This way, I can transfer settings and registrations that I create in my studio via a pen drive.

If the PSR S900 is missing any other important things, which I doubt, then I might change my mind. I might consider another keyboard brand.

Some of the questions I have about the specs are

1. What are the names of the new voices.
2. What are the names of the new styles?
3. Is the flash drive larger than the PSR3000's? If not, that really sucks as the PSR S900 will not have a Smart Media drive.
4. Did Yamaha bring back the Vocal Harmonizer On/Off, Effects On/Off, and Voice Harmony On/Off buttons?
5. As I recall, the PSR3000 had a 90 warranty on labor! Will the PSR S900 have a better warranty?


#166513 - 04/06/07 06:44 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
rikkisbears Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi Beakybird,
is the Smart Media drive all that necessary.
I have a usb card reader connected to the usb port on my PSR1500.
I have access to 4 different types of memory card at the press of a button. ( my card reader has 4 slots)I've got my cards divided up between styles , registrations, pads & songs.

When I need to do any editing, I just unplug the reader & plug it into the usb port on the pc.

I would imagine the S900 would have the same usb ports as the PSr3k.

best wishes

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Beakybird

3. Is the flash drive larger than the PSR3000's? If not, that really sucks as the PSR S900 will not have a Smart Media drive.
best wishes
Rikki 🧸

Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022

#166514 - 04/06/07 08:23 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
travlin'easy Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 12/08/02
Posts: 15578
Loc: Forest Hill, MD USA

The Smart Media card is similar to having a small, built-in hard drive in the keyboard. The USB drive projects out the back, and it must be disconnected when the board is transported. A substantially larger onboard memory capacity would be highly beneficial in that you can store more 3rd party style files in the onboard memory, which makes them directly accessible to the keyboard's Music Finder Directory (MFD) which is a great tool that many of us frequently use during liver performances.



Travlin' Easy
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!

K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)

#166515 - 04/06/07 08:30 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
miden Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/31/06
Posts: 3354
Loc: The World
thanks rikki and dnj, all good advice...i have actually played with the e50, and the drums and rhythms are quite good..the 3000 seems to offer more as a "complete" package...sounds are not critical as my main board is the s90es, but good rhythms and basslines are critical for me..and just as an aside, that guitar mode on the e50 is pretty cool too...would be great for programming some new styles..
thanks again

#166516 - 04/06/07 09:48 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
rikkisbears Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi Gary,
I agree it would be better to have a slot where you could plug a card in directly
( at the front).
Pity yamaha didn't use an sd card like Technics did. There probably wasn't much point in having a Smart Media slot when the smart media cards I beleive are being discontinued.

My card reader works quite well. It has a usb cable, so the reader actually sits on the music rest or on the keyboard itself. Admittedly my psr doesn't get moved , but if I did have to pack it up, I wouldn't miss noticing it. Suppose some of those pen devices could get broken if overlooked when packing up a keyboard in a hurry.

Larger onboard memory certainly would be great. I haven't actually seen any full specifications as yet.

best wishes

Originally posted by travlin'easy:

The Smart Media card is similar to having a small, built-in hard drive in the keyboard. The USB drive projects out the back, and it must be disconnected when the board is transported. A substantially larger onboard memory capacity would be highly beneficial in that you can store more 3rd party style files in the onboard memory, which makes them directly accessible to the keyboard's Music Finder Directory (MFD) which is a great tool that many of us frequently use during liver performances.



best wishes
Rikki 🧸

Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022

#166517 - 04/06/07 10:00 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
rikkisbears Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi Dennis,
if you've actually managed to get your hands on an E50 then great.

If you do end up getting one, luv to know what you think of it. Just out of interest what are they roughly retailing for around here.

best wishes

Originally posted by miden:
thanks rikki and dnj, all good advice...i have actually played with the e50, and the drums and rhythms are quite good..the 3000 seems to offer more as a "complete" package...sounds are not critical as my main board is the s90es, but good rhythms and basslines are critical for me..and just as an aside, that guitar mode on the e50 is pretty cool too...would be great for programming some new styles..
thanks again
best wishes
Rikki 🧸

Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022

#166518 - 04/06/07 10:29 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
miden Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/31/06
Posts: 3354
Loc: The World
hi rikki, about $1650 give or take..

[This message has been edited by miden (edited 04-06-2007).]

#166519 - 04/07/07 04:26 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
rikkisbears Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Thanks Dennis

best wishes

[QUOTE]Originally posted by miden:

[This message has been edited by rikkisbears (edited 04-07-2007).]
best wishes
Rikki 🧸

Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022

#166520 - 04/08/07 08:09 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Dnj Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 09/21/00
Posts: 43703

#166521 - 07/05/07 07:31 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Dan Jonsson Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 07/04/07
Posts: 8
Loc: Sweden
The s900 is released in sweden now. I got my machine yesterday! WOW!!! The Concert Guitarr is Amazing! The price is around 18000-19000 SEK

[This message has been edited by Dan Jonsson (edited 07-05-2007).]

#166522 - 07/05/07 01:43 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
keysvocalssax Offline

Registered: 03/12/06
Posts: 845
Loc: Miami FL nov-may/Lakeville CT ...
what purpose does the aux out serve for those of
you that are lamenting its loss? i don't have one
on my kb and would like to know what i'm missing..
Miami Mo

#166523 - 07/05/07 11:14 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Dan Jonsson Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 07/04/07
Posts: 8
Loc: Sweden
I think it´s just is an audio out.
But you can not set the volume on it.
It is the same volume all the time. The other audio outputs follows the "volumebutton"

#166524 - 07/06/07 07:37 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
keysvocalssax Offline

Registered: 03/12/06
Posts: 845
Loc: Miami FL nov-may/Lakeville CT ...
Originally posted by Dan Jonsson:
I think it´s just is an audio out.
But you can not set the volume on it.
It is the same volume all the time. The other audio outputs follows the "volumebutton"

so what is so necessary about having that?
why is everyone lamenting its loss?
Miami Mo

#166525 - 07/06/07 07:47 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Dnj Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 09/21/00
Posts: 43703
Is there a less excitement aura in the air about this new Yamaha suedo 3k/T2 hybrid S900/700 release.....doesn't seem to have the normal "exuberance" that all its predecessors had? what do you think attributes to this?

[This message has been edited by Dnj (edited 07-06-2007).]

#166526 - 07/06/07 09:38 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Diki Online   content

Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14375
Loc: NW Florida
What a difference a year or so makes...

Back then the T2 'ruled', the G70 'sucked', and the PSR3k was preferred by many over the T2! (built in speakers, cost, light weight etc.)...

They are all still basically the same machines.

Sometimes you can read TOO many member reviews, and get caught up in the collective. The advice about defining your OWN needs, and then going out and trying everything yourself, to find what meets that need is the best I have ever heard.

Everyone plays differently. Everyone plays and likes different musics. Everyone likes a different 'sound'. Everyone has different technical skills (needed to operate some of the more complex arrangers). Everyone has different physical needs (weight, key number, speakers etc.).

Expecting ANYONE else's opinion or views (including mine!) to have much relevance to your own needs is optimistic at best.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!

#166527 - 07/06/07 10:10 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Dnj Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 09/21/00
Posts: 43703
So I would guess the operative word here is "DIFFERENT"

#166528 - 08/01/08 01:42 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Lord Crump Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 08/01/08
Posts: 9
Loc: England
Hi. I’m new to this forum so please bear with me. I’ve been reading that quite a few people are disappointed with the specifications of the new PSR S900 over the PSR 3000. It appears that the difference isn’t that big.

However, I’ve had a PSR 2000 for many years now and have been really pleased with it. I’ve just ordered a PSR S900 for about £970 ($1,915). Is this a better/more worth while upgrade?

I’ve always thought that it’s best to upgrade every 2-3 model keyboards rather than the next model each time. This way the difference is a lot more noticeable and you get better value for money each time.

#166529 - 08/01/08 01:49 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Diki Online   content

Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14375
Loc: NW Florida
I definitely agree with this. Unless the new model is the start of a brand new line, most manufacturers change maybe 10-20% of the sounds and features each model release...

So, to get a model that is twice as good as your current, you have to wait two or three models.

Mind you, you say you have already ordered an S900... isn't it perhaps just a little late to ask this question? As soon as it arrives, you will be able to make your own decision about it!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!

#166530 - 08/02/08 03:07 AM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Lord Crump Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 08/01/08
Posts: 9
Loc: England
I agree that it does appear a bit late but I was 99% certain that there would be a big difference, I just wanted to get other peoples options as the how much difference and what those differences are.

#166531 - 08/02/08 06:21 PM Re: Breaking News - PSR S900/700/500 Official Specs
Telmo Offline

Registered: 01/15/05
Posts: 439
Loc: Brazil - South America
You made a good choice buddy. Comparing to the Psr-2000, the S900 is indeed a great improvement. More styles, more live, sweet voices, Articulated voices, Usb audio recorder, overall, it's the closest arranger to the Tyros II.
Yamaha PSR-SX900, Mackie SRM-flex Portable Column PA System)
"We are Old too quick... and Wise too late."

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