#166996 - 11/16/06 12:11 AM
Re: New GM/GS Sounbank 4300Mb
Registered: 09/29/06
Posts: 104
My MS hasn't arrived yet - but - I have made my purchase on the strength of the sound library and not the styles. I have a specific requirement for the band that I play with - styles are nice to have for me to have for when I just want to play at home but the main reason for the purchase is the sound library and the fact that I knwo Dom will keep on producing updates, new sounds and features - and I will not have to keep on spending thousands of pounds upgrading and changing boards. I don't believe that all kb owners have the requirements for styles, styles and more styles...yes a selection of very good ones is imporatnt but not the be all and end all of the reason for purchasing the kb. Just my opinion, Mark Originally posted by to the genesys: Can any one who actually has a mediastation confirm whether the styles on the mediastation are really really bad?
It seems as if we are making assumptions that the mediastation’s styles are way way behind Roland, Yamaha, Gem, Ketron and Korg styles.
If the onboard styles would be a deal breaker for keyboard musicians looking for an arranger, then this only helps to give more support to those who have a negative view to arranger and to those who play them.
With the endless possibilities and the integration between one’s studio and live performance, and the future ability to import styles, I just can not see how onboard styles could prevent a performer from getting one.
If some persons (which I find hard to believe) are so dependant on factory styles for their performances rather than sounds, usability, playing and entertaining ability, then maybe those players may need to rethink their role as an OMB.
#167000 - 11/16/06 04:44 AM
Re: New GM/GS Sounbank 4300Mb
Senior Member
Registered: 11/19/02
Posts: 2867
Loc: Tampa, FL
Originally posted by Diki:
I don't care HOW many new features the next OS has....
Styles, Styles. Styles........ That's all anyone cares about, first and foremost.
Sorry, I disagree vehemently on this point. Styles can be added post-production when the keyboard is in the field. If I remember correctly, Lionstracs were going to write a style conversion engine that would allow a user of the keyboard to pretty much dump all the styles from one of the "Brand" arrangers into the Mediastation, then map them to internal Giga sounds. (Domenick, please correct me if I'm wrong). Domenick's main responsibility is to get as much value and technology into the board and release it into public domain. Since it is an "Open" platform, Sounds, Wav's, MP3's, Styles can all be added for each individual user. What is the point of keeping the keyboard in the factory until the styles are build and polished? I actually applaud Lionstracs aggressive approach to this board. The business model took guts and was very risky, but after 2 years, I have to tell you, I am very interested in this board. The concept of an Open system which won't be obsolete in 2-5 years is very sexy. You can buy Professional Styles anywhere or make your own, but can you program your own VST manager? NO! You have to admit, this is fun talking about this board and the potential it holds. Just my two or three cents..
Pa4x - LD Systems Maui 28 - Mackie Thumps
#167003 - 11/16/06 07:43 AM
Re: New GM/GS Sounbank 4300Mb
Registered: 02/25/04
Posts: 172
Loc: Greenwood, SC -USA
Originally posted by kbrkr: Sorry, I disagree vehemently on this point. Styles can be added post-production when the keyboard is in the field. If I remember correctly, Lionstracs were going to write a style conversion engine that would allow a user of the keyboard to pretty much dump all the styles from one of the "Brand" arrangers into the Mediastation, then map them to internal Giga sounds. (Domenick, please correct me if I'm wrong).
Domenick's main responsibility is to get as much value and technology into the board and release it into public domain. Since it is an "Open" platform, Sounds, Wav's, MP3's, Styles can all be added for each individual user. What is the point of keeping the keyboard in the factory until the styles are build and polished?
I actually applaud Lionstracs aggressive approach to this board. The business model took guts and was very risky, but after 2 years, I have to tell you, I am very interested in this board.
The concept of an Open system which won't be obsolete in 2-5 years is very sexy. You can buy Professional Styles anywhere or make your own, but can you program your own VST manager? NO!
You have to admit, this is fun talking about this board and the potential it holds.
Just my two or three cents..
Kbrkr, THANK YOU! Finally a voice of reason. I am glad to see that I am not the only one who sees that an arranger keyboard is not simply a “style collection!” That is only one of the many important parts that contribute to the whole. And while a big keyboard company may excel in one part, the sum of the “parts” that make up the Mediastation equals a “whole” workstation that easily surpasses everything currently on the market. You hit the nail on the head when you said, “You can buy Professional Styles anywhere or make your own, but can you program your own VST manager? NO!” Neither can you extend the length of style parts or memory allocated for styles, beyond the limits set by the manufacturer. Neither can you design Giga HD streaming in a keyboard that has not been designed for that. Neither can you include audio wave files or mp3’s in an arranger that is not capable of that. Nor independent time stretching and pitch shifting of real-time audio. Nor incorporate high quality sequencers such as “Rosegarden” or advanced audio editing like “Audacity”. Nor use a “Pro-Tools” like DAW such as “Ardour”. Nor play an arranger backed by an 8Gb all Giga Soundfont. Nor have professional quality 24bit XLR outputs, for the very highest fidelity. Nor full video editing, nor 8 band adjustable velocity curve, nor fully programmable and flexible internal audio and midi routing between all software modules and all hardware inputs and outputs like “Jack”. Add to this the multitude of input/output options, the high quality controls, DVD burner, and the ability to connect any USB 2.0 or Firewire device that you would like to use. Also add the advantage of having all std computer connections: printer, monitor, ps2 keyboard and mouse etc… “To the Genesis”, Thank you for being open minded, you were one of the few over the last year who would recognize the possibilities of the Mediastation. Even before I purchased one your posts made more sense to me than those just slamming Lionstracs. To answer your question about the styles, No they are not really, really bad. I am sorry if I gave that impression, but I wanted to give a very fair and balanced review. Some of the styles are very good, some are fair and could use a little improvement, but the collection is growing rapidly as you see in Domenik’s post above. And when our collection is as large as anyone’s they will still not be able to add all the other features that we will be using. But you will probably notice that all the negative comments seem to be coming from those who have never experienced the Mediastation. That probably will continue, but it didn’t stop me from buying the Mediastation and it didn’t stop others. In the end everyone has to make up their own mind. Richard
#167005 - 11/16/06 11:50 AM
Re: New GM/GS Sounbank 4300Mb
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14375
Loc: NW Florida
Please don't get me wrong..... as I've stated elsewhere, I am NOT on a personal crusade against Lionstracs or Wersi, or anyone. I just wish to acknowledge a basic fact of the arranger world. As anyone who has read my thread about how many of us develop our own styles will see, it's not too many of us. In fact only a couple said they roll their own from scratch, and a few more said they convert and tweak, that's all.
From this, I am forced to come to the conclusion that only a small percentage want to take on the odious task of style development. A huge library of high quality built-in styles, and access to even more online seems to be the main criteria in purchasing, along with sound quality. Only recently, one of the main discussion topics here at SZ was the OOTB 'sound' of varying high-end arrangers, and how much most people disliked the thought that they would need to do ANYTHING other than unpack it and start to play.
THAT is the average arranger user, despite the fact he is willing to plunk down $4k plus for this ability.
I really DO applaud Domenik, and his quest for ever better capabilities, and I DO think that his is the future of keyboards. But I also feel that, in trying to combine the open ended software workstation with the arranger, he is prioritizing big letters WORKSTATION, little letters arranger.....
I, and many others here, already have computer-based VSTi's, and HD recorders, and would love to have something that allowed all that AND a great arranger capability. But not at the cost of a massive increase in workload to get the styles to work well, and develop them myself.
Time will tell, as more of these get into the hands of users, whether the style library that comes with them is as elevated as their price. I anxiously await some detailed reviews, and demos.
One concern I have is, how are the major manufacturers going to respond to their sales being scavenged by these new instruments, that will rely on THEIR copyrighted styles to get sales? Will we start to see encrypted file formats? Will we see a wave of litigation as the majors try to stem the tide powered by their own styles? Will the independent style creators FINALLY get to see some real profits for developing styles for these new creatures? Only time will tell. Maybe they are not concerned, yet, but they will be.... At least if Domenik gets his way!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!