#167147 - 02/01/04 02:27 AM
Re: The Silver Beast from Korg!
Junior Member
Registered: 08/19/02
Posts: 28
Loc: WestCoast of Norway
......if not for the touchscreen. I find it occasionally frustrating. I think I'm touching the nylon string guitar demo but instead I get the one below it called accordian. Or, sometimes I push a certain vocal preset and I get the one above or below it...... George, have you calibrated your screen? I'll agree that it seems as if one has to hit the button of choice at the most upper sector, but this is due to the angle between your eyes and the tilt of the screen. Couldn't be more than 25-30* It works fine for me anyways. I did try a Tyros, unfortunately a week after I received my PAX, and based on the voices (mega or no mega) and the styles, I'd never get a Yamaha. It seems to me that there still is a lot of transistor-sound to it, and the layout leaves a lot to be desired. You all remember the "Sharp" -stereo's during the early '80s? Looked really high tech, but when you touch the buttons they implied they were loose, and might fall of at any time. And they did... Wings.
If you act, create or compose - you live.
#167149 - 02/01/04 11:48 AM
Re: The Silver Beast from Korg!
Registered: 09/23/02
Posts: 109
George, FWIW - I own both a Korg D1600 and a Triton Studio and I've been subject to this phenomenon at times too. More frequently than I probably care to admit, but yes, same problem with selecting the item UNDER or ABOVE the one I want, on BOTH units......
Using the slide bar to scroll down thru the file list on the TS was a hit or miss thing for me. Sometimes works fine, sometimes not at all. I thought it was a screen bug - you think it would work OK having spent some $2500+ on it !!
Yet, I have a friend who plays my TS at times and he has no problems at all with the touch screens. Works every darn time for him, but not for me !! So, you may have something there about skin type, oil content, etc.
Either way its darn frustrating having to back up and do it again. I don't use the TS for gigging so I don't have to deal with this problem on dim stages, but I can imagine it must really annoying for some....
I've not seen this come up in any other forum, and was curious if Korg (Jerry) had any other input on the topic other than what you already mentioned ?
PS: I've actually started to use the spare pointing device from my iPaq to tap the screen selections, and the problem has gone away.
Regards, Steve
[This message has been edited by S0C9 (edited 02-01-2004).]