Registered: 08/20/05
Posts: 114
Loc: Mill Valley, CA USA
Hey Al:
What have you done about getting a more "latin flavor" in your playing (remember our discourse a few months ago)? I don't see any evidence of it on your web site (I like the photo album, BTW -- homey; nice).
#167309 - 07/18/0603:38 AMRe: Demoed the PA1x and G-70 today.. also the PSR1500
Graham UK
Senior Member
Registered: 01/20/01
Posts: 1925
Loc: Lincolnshire UK
I find to often you can get the wrong impression of a keyboard when trying them in dealers or even attending demonstrations. It's only when you have it at home in your own environment can you assess it correctly and then you get to know the good and bad points...the problem then is in most cases you have already spent your money.