Merrill, check your email.
Congratulations on your recent purchase of the MusicPad Pro. I'm really enjoying my MPP unit. I now have near 1,000 songs available in this device at my fingertips for playing pleasure. In addition to having scaned music in manually, I've also been fortunate to have a number of fakebooks already in digital format making conversion much quicker, as well as knowing other fellow MusicPad owners who have subsequently traded with me their converted to .fh format song music sheets as well. Knowing now that you have decided to join the exclusive MusicPad owners club, perhaps we can swap .fh files as well. I really appreciate the ability to only require taking ONE device for ALL my music needs. No more wasted gig time shuffling thru a fakebook(s) (and often unsuccesffully) hoping to locate that obsure song request of a song which may have become rusty (forgot the changes or lyrics to) or perhaps never played before. Mounted on the MusicPro's stand, it is far less obstructive than a traditional fakebook on a musicstand. I don't use it for all my songs when performing, but it's really handy (bright & easy to view) when needed. I especially like the PLAYLIST function in which I can select from a select pool of songs to play from. Great for rehearsal as well as on the gig because you can make quick notation/chord/lyric changes & other notations (arranger KB performance instructions, etc). I'm really looking forward to the continually new enhancements appearing in the upcoming OS update as well. The MusicPad Pro has met & exceeded my original expections. Though perhaps a bit pricey, it's worth the investment to me. Going paperless means saving trees too. - Scott