Originally posted by Merrill Ainsworth:Your lead sheet came through beautifully, and just in time for my needed week-end activity. Did this lead sheet come from a fake book?
Yep. The fake book is volume 2 of the 10 vol series of books offered in the TIN PAN ALLEY LIBRARY (TPA series) fakebook collection.
Vol 1: 1900's - 1930's (over 1000 songs)
Vol 2: 1930's - 1950's (over 1000 songs)
Vol 3&4:Showtunes/Standards, Latins, Twists, Jazz & Dixieland
Vol 5,6,7,8,9 best of: Tin Pan Alley(original book)
Vol 10: 1960's & 1970's
In addition to volume 2, I also have Volume 1 and Volume 10. These books were passed on to me from a retired pro working musician elder, and I feel especially appreciative because these books include many song gems I've not been able to locate in any other currently available fakebook(s). I believe these books are semi-legit at best as they don't include any kind of copyright acknowledgments, print quality marginally acceptable (produced in a backroom?), and chords not always the idea choices for most professional results). Still, the melody and basic chords are included, so with music knowledge (and ear) for revoicing to more professional level chords, I find these books invaluable.
I've heard many a story (from pro gigging musician elders) that during the 1950's-60's, that illegal (or semi illegal) fakebooks were frequently offered for sale (and at enticing prices affordable for even the low paying working band musician) by suspicious looking characters who pulled up briefly into back parking lots (alleyways) of gig venues (when band members packed up for the night) selling them fakebooks out of the back trunks of their cars.
These underground fakebooks became the definitive MUST HAVE fakebook source for all working club musicians and ONLY available thru this source, and NOT sold at any legit music store. These books not only include the one's outlined above, but the must have, particularly for jazz club players:
"The Real Book"
Only recently has "The Real Book" now been re-published (legally for the first time) by Hal Leonard:
http://www.amazon.com/exec /obidos/tg/d...=books&n=507846 and (finally) legally available for sale in music stores.
I'm wondering (hoping) now if the TPA Library Fakebooks series might soon follow suit and (along with notorious errors, including chords re-checked & corrected) become legally available as well.
Originally posted by Merrill Ainsworth:
Yes, I have purchased the MusicPad Pro . . I have just been told that the problem has been diagnosed as a conflict between the FreeHand software and Microsoft's XP Service Pack 2, now installed on many PCs.
Interesting to hear this. I'm running Windows XP Service Pack2 and experiencing NO conflict between it and the Freehand software.
Originally posted by Merrill Ainsworth:
Did you mention you had acquired fake book(s) in .fh format. Would you share source information?
No, the mentioned fakebooks are in pdf format, but then easily converted directly to .fh format, eliminating having to scan them in from paper manually. Email me privately and I'll share with you .fh files I've created. Merrill, the best of luck in getting your Freehand software problem worked out (of which I'm confident it will as the Freehand technical staff is very customer oriented). I trust you will grow to appreciate the benefits of the MusicPad Pro as I have.