From one of the 'old guys':

I've listened to a lot of music through the years (..mmmm... possible song title?!?

) just for the artistry of it, but rap and hip-hop are NOT on the list... I realize I may be missing out on hearing SOME talented people, but I don't have the time or the inclination to wade through the muck ...
I also have a bit of a problem with hearing some individuals talk about improving their lives and the conditions under which they live, but yet promote music that supports and encourages that same lifestyle ... Of the little rap/hip-hop videos and music I have seen and heard, TOO much of it glorifies a life of violence, drugs, sex, and degradation of women ...
As for the 'sameness' of the sound and style of different music, I think if you listen to ANY music only on the surface, you could make that argument for any genre....
What is more repetitious than the I VI IV V or I IV V chord progressions of early RnR???.. but how great was it to some of us? .. listen to a jazz combo for a while and you pretty much know when each player is going to take a solo ... and let's not get into polkas, and jigs

... But take the time to 'listen' and it's amazing what one might hear ... and I KNOW ... you're saying the same thing about me and rap/hip-hop ... but that AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN anytime soon
