Squeak et al,
You are correct at being a father is great. I have 4 wonderful sons (everyone needs a hobby). They all have followed me at one time or another on the keyboards. One of them plays extremely well now.
They are all different. I Love so much being with them that we are at home together for most of the week. I work out of the house and they homeschool (actually the world is their school). The great benefit is that I don't have to stop enjoying their "firsts." The first time they walk, talk, write their names, etc. I get to share it all (selfish me

When my oldest was younger he would not let me put him down. I pretty much had him all the time. People used to tell me I was spoiling him. I would reply that I was spoiling myself, in a few months he would probably not let me pick him up and would be self-mobile. I got that right. You can't spoil a chlid under 2. Enjoy every chance you get with them.
When I was younger I thought I wanted to be a grandfather cuz they were such cool people. I would want to skip evreything and just go to grandfather. Now I am aware of all the things I would have missed. I still tell my kids I want to be a grandfather but I can wait till much later.
Now the are old enough to help me build my house and that is a plus! They all helped me put the roof on and help with the wood working too. It is such a joy to watch them grow up. It happens way too fast.
Thanks for sharing and bringing this thread here. We have a wonderful group here.
- Brian