#172942 - 10/25/04 06:14 AM
Sequences in Multipad
Registered: 09/28/03
Posts: 187
Loc: Amersfoort, Netherlands
I am working on a funk (using Koolfunk style) on the PSR3000 and programmed 4 sequences (4 bars) with different instruments in the Multipads. It's great as a buildup and the result is a terrific drive with funkguitar, clavinet, baritonsax and saxsection. There are 4 things however that bother me a bit, especially number 2. 1. Voices that use effects, are possible on the Multipads, but without the effects. So if you choose a Wah Clav, there is no Wah (the Wah is done by the DSP and is not in the sample). This is a pity, but not a terrible thing. 2. If I press a Multipadbutton on time, sometimes the sequence starts too late - there is a delay. I noticed that after one round of 4 bars, the timing is adjusted. This is a strange phenomena. Once the timing is OK, it stays OK. 3. Quantize is not possible. I adjusted some notes and chords by hand. It's not a problem that timing is not exact, but it IS a problem when it is a short sequence and it is repeated. 4. The result is mono. It would have been nice if one could pan each voice within the 4 multipads. I know I am using the Multipad perhaps differently than is intended. My question is, how this is on other arranger keyboards. I noticed that multipads in Roland styles have sometimes little sequences, so there these delays shouldn't be present. Maybe Yamaha can fix this with a software updates. ------------------ drdalet
#172945 - 10/25/04 09:38 AM
Re: Sequences in Multipad
Registered: 09/28/03
Posts: 187
Loc: Amersfoort, Netherlands
Hi Leo, finished working I just read your article on the Multipads. Excelent. I wished I read it beforehand, because now all the voices are panned in the middle. So I have to correct this with an external sequencer - I use XGworks. The same thing with reverb. I hope I can make some adjustments or I have to do it over again. What I do recording the pads is: I start the drums wait one bar and then start playing. If the first time is not OK, I play on and do it another time and maybe still one more time. Then I pick the best one and edit the other notes out. Of course I also erase the first empty bar by shifting all the notes up. A lot of editing, but it goes quickly if you use multiselect. Sometimes the notes do not start on the first beat, but half a beat later (for instance voice at 1.1.0000 and first note at 1.1.0950) - that might be the cause of the timingproblem. I have to check this out. Anyway - I have a busy night ahead .... but I love it !! ------------------ drdalet [This message has been edited by drdalet (edited 10-25-2004).]