#173537 - 10/23/03 03:46 AM
Re: Pa1x video demo.
Registered: 08/01/02
Posts: 2683
Well don't want to start a my toy's better than your toy thing here. I have to agree with Mike (except about the piano) I thought the 1X in this demo sounded very thin in all the sounds. The piano he starts with I thought esspecially light and tinklie sounding for what I am assuming is supposed to be their "mother of all pianos." What I do like about seeing these "live" things I think is it's more real world of what one would hear sitting X rows back as opposed to an ultimate conditions demo of a sound. I thought the TC harmonizer must be their bottom end, because IMO doesn't even come close to the Voiceworks I have. Lastly I think this guy needs to see Michael from Germany demo the Tyros.....this guys presentation although a good player what a yawn....Michael makes the Tyros look exciting. Perhaps just a cultural difference though. Overall....I have to say I was not much impressed at all. Just my opinion. Terry ------------------ jam on, Terry http://imjazzed.homestead.com/Index.html [This message has been edited by trtjazz (edited 10-23-2003).]
#173538 - 10/23/03 07:31 AM
Re: Pa1x video demo.
Senior Member
Registered: 11/10/00
Posts: 2195
Loc: Catskill Mountains, NY
Originally posted by George Kaye: 61 note with speakers is not going to be available here in the USA. George Kaye Kaye's Music Scene Reseda, California Why is that George ? Does Korg feel that the market here just doesn't exist ? That kinda kills the whole deal for me. I'd want, but don't absolutely have to have the speakers, but I'm not toting around a 76 key board in my little Kia or in my truck. It seems this board ( the PA1x pro- 76 keys ) is going to be one of those hard to find items again too... My dealer, who has a large selection of keys, will not be stocking it. If I can't see it, I'm not buying it.. period I'll be keeping the PA80 for now and hoping for a Yamaha with speakers that actually feels like something when I play it. If that doesn't happen, maybe I'll grab the Tyros later on and have an all yamaha lineup. Now that I have the Motif ES and I like the organs and drums and bass sounds on it, even the PA80 has become a little more expendable, but ideally I'd like to keep it and add a Tyros The rest of the manufacturers haven't put up any offerings that will work for me. AJ [This message has been edited by Bluezplayer (edited 10-23-2003).]
#173540 - 10/23/03 08:29 AM
Re: Pa1x video demo.
Registered: 07/23/02
Posts: 562
Loc: Oceanside, CA USA
Interesting. George Kaye is still saying that the 61 note with Speakers will NOT be sold in the USA. That means he has heard NO other word saying otherwise from his Korg Distributors. That means if you want one you have to purchase it from Synth Planet?? or some other European online Store or actually Fly the friendly skies of United, etc. If you either buy one from Synth Planet or Fly over and get one the Warranty is automatically voided. Which leaves the 76 note version. 40 lbs. and if you place it in a carrying Case you're looking at probably up to 20 lbs. more for a soft Case and a Hard Case??? You're looking at 40 lbs. for the Pa1XPro plus 'at least' 20 lbs. more (with space age material I might add) and more realistically up to 40 lbs. more for a Hard Case. Now class, 40+40=80 lbs. [Hard Case] 40+20=60 lbs. [Soft Case]. Take extreme caution when transporting that $4,000 puppy in a Soft Case. And if you transport it in a Hard Case make sure that 1. You're under 40 years old, 2. Your Health insurance is active and up to date, and 3. Your Gigs are all performed in One Story buildings and you never have to Lug it up any flights of stairs. Now for the Studio there's no problem. But Gigging? I hope you're taking your Vitamins, exercising at the Gym regularly, aren't a Smoker, in good health otherwise, have had no back problems in the past, and don't mind the inconvenience of lugging up to 80 lbs. around for hours at a time.  I can't wait until they start making top of the line 76 note Arrangers, etc., that weigh in at no more than 25 lbs. Impossible you say? Take a look at the Casio WK series Keyboards. It can be done. But they need to make high end Arrangers with a better composite material to make them more durable and at the same time still retain that light weight. Someday soon I hope. Best regards, Mike
#173541 - 10/23/03 09:14 AM
Re: Pa1x video demo.
Senior Member
Registered: 11/10/00
Posts: 2195
Loc: Catskill Mountains, NY
I can never really judge the sounds on a demo, or how the keyboard will work for me. I switched to the PA80 from the Yamaha PSR740 / MZ 2000 only after I played one. The first thing that struck me was that I liked the feel of the keys better than the PSR line ( MZ had a good key feel ..no I'm not trying to open up this can of worms again. just my preference and taste is all ) The next thing was that the styles sounded rich and the organs and electric pianos were much to my liking. The acoustic piano really wasn't, but the first two are more my staples. The bass and drums were strong too compared to the 740 / MZ. Then I saw all the editing power and I was sold.
Had I not had the chance to demo the board, I wouldn't have a PA80 now. I wouldn't ever consider buying something that I can't touch first , especially from overseas( exception to the Motif ES.. but coming from the Motif classic I just knew it was gonna be right.. and still I tried it before I bought it )
Today, the Tyros and even the PSr2k / 2100 have better sounds and styles than the Yamaha stuff I was used to. I just never felt comfortable with the key feel on the latter. Great sounds and features packed in though, and with the ES in my studio, the ability to morph and tweak sounds to my hearts content becomes less an issue on my arranger. I doubt I'll get to see a PA1x around here... and that's too bad because I really still do like my PA80 and would love to see it's successor, but when it comes to my next arranger purchase, the Tyros or what follows it seems to be the where I may have to go. Not that that's a bad thing.....
#173549 - 10/24/03 02:28 PM
Re: Pa1x video demo.
Registered: 03/08/01
Posts: 640
Loc: Cottage Grove, MN, USA
Hey Donny, It's sounding real nice on my Grado SR60 headphones. Wanna have some fun?...Listen to the Korg's bebop sample and pay attention to the drum kit sounds, especially the cymbal strikes, the timbre of the strikes and the realistic decays. This DEMO is getting my vote for best drum kit sound (in a demo). http://www.korgpa.com/files/mp3/bebop.mp3 Now go to Yamaha's site and listen to the Tyros' Bebop sample. http://www.yamaha.com/yamahavgn/Multimedia/KeyboardsDMI/Flash/Tyros/Tyros.htm Yamaha's doing their demo thru a flash presentation now, load the flash, click on Sounds, click on Tyros styles, click on Bebop, wait for load. Whadda ya think? Now hang on Tyros fans, I'm not trying to slam the Ty here...I still like it just as much as you do (I just haven't bought one yet). I'm just listening to what has been made available to me by the manufacturer. Anyway, my real point is, I think this new Korg will be a contender and we should have some real interesting 'sound wars' coming soon (hopefully). mike PS. Let me reiterate one more time, I still like the Tyros sound, no question. Yeah I know, it's not the best demo (sounds kind of compressed when compared to the Korg). The Tyros has blown me away with some great sounds. I just think it's time for the other guys to step up and take their shot. [This message has been edited by msutliff (edited 10-24-2003).]