Originally posted by Micco:
Yesterday I installed the software that came with Yamaha S08 to my laptop computer, which allready had the Yamaha Tyros software and now none of the two work.
"Is there some compatibility problem with Tyros and S08?"
Maybe Steve Deming of Yamaha could fill you in on whether there is a compatibility problem between the Tyros and S08 softwares. Steve??
Also Micco, did you indeed uninstall the sofwares and start from scratch again? You said you were going to do that. Did you?
How did that turn out if you did? Any different at all? Same error? Different errors reported?
Also you didn't say which operating system you are using on your Laptop. Windows 98/SE/ME/2000/XP??? MAC OS9/10/X??

Just kidding.

Best regards,