Originally posted by Applex:
Hi Mike And JJ
First it's great to know that JJ would pay
full price for a bottle of wine that's only half full, because PT Barny said" A sucker is born every minute" and now I beleive it
You JJ may want a half finished Keyboard but I don't. Your responds to this forum only increases my belife that you do have closer ties with Korg then your letting on.


I find your words offensive for me.
My goal was here to give an answer to Mike.
I speak usually French and for me it is a very hard work to written or read something in this forum...so be polite please with the "foreigners". So, I search in my dictionary and I read that the translation of sucker is not a compliment !! Who are you to say that...? You don't know nothing of my live...? Excuse me to say that , but it is not fair ...and ridiculous.
You offend me a second time when you suspect that I have ties with Korg !! You treat me like a liar..I can't accept that...
By the way, you did'nt understand what I would mean with this half full bottle, but that is not important...
As far as I'm concerned, the discussion is close for me and if you want to continue to pour out your grudge, do it with another "sucker" than me .....