Some of you may be aware of the studies that have shown the excellent health benefits of making music. Check out the AMC site below for reports on some of the research into music making & wellness. I mention this because Lowrey Organ, which may now only be marketed to old folks in Florida
, highlights this at their web site and in trying to sell organs. Indeed, years ago when I purchased and played a Lowrey Holiday, I was a member of the Washington Metropolitan Organ Society and no small part of that organization was the social gatherings where friends could meet and enjoy concerts or simply each other's playing.
In today's US market, electronic organs are rare (and expensive). However, much, if not all, of the reason I bought that organ can be answered by arranger keyboards -- and, they are much cheaper. I bought the organ not to play an organ, but to have a band at my fingertips. And my lowly PSR540 gives me that band, with instruments that sound far better than those on my old Lowrey, and at only 1/8 of the cost.) These keyboards, which are used by professionals, can also be used by relative amateurs just enjoying music in their home. We even have that one-finger chord capability! BUT, who is marketing this capability to this universe?
In fact, which keyboard arranger company is doing any marketing at all? If I hadn't stumbled onto the digital pianos, I would have never looked into and discovered what the arranger keyboards can do. I certainly would not have seen any ADVERTISEMENTS in any publications or on TV.
Like Lowrey uses the "wellness and music" connection to sell organs, that very same connection could be used to sell keyboards. Pianos get marketed, why not arranger keyboards?